Dozens of doctors in Israel have signed a petition calling on the security services and the Israeli army to bomb hospitals in Gaza.

The doctors, who were framed under the title "Physicians for Soldiers", said in their letter that those who confuse hospitals with terrorism must understand that hospitals are not a safe place for them, and terrorism must be fought everywhere and in every way, they said.

In response, the Israeli association Physicians for Human Rights said that even if "information about the existence of Hamas infrastructure under hospitals is true, this does not justify the bombing of thousands of innocent patients and displaced people in hospitals."

Targeting and destruction

During the month-long aggression on the Gaza Strip, the occupation targeted more than 105 health institutions, which led to the exit of 16 hospitals and 32 primary care centers from service, while 150 health personnel were martyred, and 27 ambulances were destroyed.

For the 30th day, the Israeli army continues to wage a devastating war on Gaza, in which 9500,3900 Palestinians, including 2509,24 children and 151,2080 women, injured more than <>,<> Palestinians, killed <> Palestinians and arrested <>,<> in the West Bank, according to official Palestinian sources.

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and Palestinian resistance factions killed more than 1538,5431 Israelis and wounded 242,6, according to official Israeli sources, and captured at least <> Israelis, whom they wish to exchange for more than <>,<> Palestinian prisoners, including children and women, in Israeli prisons.