International newspapers and websites followed the developments of the war in the Gaza Strip, where the Wall Street Journal reported on the use of weapons by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) that transformed the Russian war in Ukraine, and the Guardian highlighted the growing fears in Israel due to the continued flow of dead of the occupation army due to ambushes of the resistance.

For the past month, the occupation army has been conducting intensive raids on residential neighborhoods in the Gaza Strip, in which more than 9500,70 were killed, about 24% of whom were women and children, while the number of injured exceeded <>,<> Palestinians, according to official data.

The Wall Street Journal reported on Hamas's use of transformative weapons on Ukraine's battlefields, including drones loaded with explosives and anti-tank missiles, and noted that Israel found in Gaza a more powerful enemy than before, and eliminating its homemade arsenal would likely require a long-term conflict.

The Guardian has addressed the heated debate among Israelis about what the end of the war will look like, with fears growing that the Israeli army will continue to be killed by Hamas ambushes, and noted that the most common question is whether the public rhetoric of politicians and military leaders is in line with reality.

An article in Business Insider noted that the percentage of those calling for a truce or ceasefire in Gaza whose intention to condemn terrorism cannot be questioned increases whenever Israel is accused of brutal atrocities. Israel's insistence that it does not target innocent people does not negate the fact that it is civilians who die.

The Financial Times said the unspoken goal of US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's visit to the Middle East was to discuss post-war options, and noted that US political support for Israel's bombing of Gaza was declining, making efforts to end the conflict more urgent.

US President Joe Biden is facing growing anger among progressive Democrats because he is doing little to rein in Israel, given the consequences of its attack on civilians in Gaza and the growing demonstrations in solidarity with Palestinians across the United States.

While a report by Le Monde newspaper monitored the reality of survivors of the Israeli bombardment in Gaza, where "there is no truce and no mercy", according to the report, and stated that some of them are not interested in the explosions as much as they are interested in searching for water and food, and that the cost paid by civilians is unprecedented in the area.