, November 11 (Wei Chenxi) Comprehensive report, on the 5th local time, a Palestinian wrote in a letter to US President Joe Biden: "Mr. Biden, in just one day, I lost 4 family members in Gaza. I want you to know their names. ”

As of the 30th day of the current round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict, 4,9488 people have been killed in the Gaza Strip, including 3900,<> children. With the lives of civilians, health workers and war correspondents in places such as refugee camps, schools and hospitals, and the loss of lives of civilians, health workers and war correspondents, humanitarian relief in Gaza is urgent.

On October 10, local time, Khan Younis, Gaza, the Palestinian-Israeli conflict continued, and after the local area was attacked by Israel, the displaced local people struggled to survive under difficult conditions. As their homes were destroyed, they chose to live in cars or makeshift tents. Photo/ICphoto

"Children's Cemetery"

According to the British "Guardian" report, on the 4th local time, the Palestinian Ministry of Health said that since the outbreak of the current round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict, 3900,1250 children have died in the Gaza Strip, and another <>,<> children have been buried under the rubble of collapsed buildings.

According to the Washington Post, Jason Lee, the Palestinian regional director of the global charity Save the Children, pointed out that one child dies every 10 minutes in Gaza, and two out of every five civilians who die are children.

Earlier, UNICEF spokesman James Elder said at a press conference that Gaza had been turned into a "children's graveyard" and described the area as a "hell on earth".

In just a few weeks, more children have been killed in the Gaza Strip as a result of the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict than in all conflict zones since 2019, according to Save the Children, a global charity. As of the 2nd, 246 schools providing shelter in the area have also been attacked.

The British newspaper The Guardian also mentioned that Tahrir Tabashi, from Gaza, took refuge in a local school with her six children. "My kids suffer a lot at night, they cry all night and wet the bed unconsciously," she said. ”

A Palestinian psychiatrist said that after this period of bombardment, many children in Gaza began to develop severe traumatic symptoms such as convulsions, bedwetting, nervousness, fear, aggressive behavior or dependence on their parents, and were even at risk of death.

The analysis points out that in Gaza, a 15-year-old child has experienced five periods of heavy bombardment in his short life: 2008, 2012, 2014, 2021 and 2023. Studies conducted in the early post-conflict period showed that the majority of children in Gaza exhibited symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child called for a ceasefire between the two sides, saying that "there are no winners in a war that has killed thousands of children." ”

On October 10, local time, in the Palestinian Gaza Strip, after Khan Younis was bombed by Israel, people inspected the wreckage of the destroyed building, and the dove representing peace stood on the rubble.

"Doesn't protect any journalists"

Earlier in November, Palestinian journalist Mohammed Abu Khattab and 11 of his relatives were killed in Israeli airstrikes in southern Gaza, CNN reported.

According to the report, Palestinian journalist Salman al-Bashir, who learned of his colleague's death, broke down and cried when he connected with the anchor in the live broadcast room.

In the video, al-Bashir takes off his protective gear marked with the word "News" and says, "The only difference between us is the different time of death." One by one, we were killed, and no one cared about the catastrophe or crime that we suffered in Gaza. These gears and helmets do not protect any journalists. ”

According to The New York Times, in order to reach the front line safely, the agency's journalists drove a convoy of tanks and armored vehicles. However, Palestinian journalists have not yet received such protection.

According to the Committee to Protect Journalists, at least 11 journalists and media workers have been killed as of November 4 since the start of the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict. These included 36 Palestinians, 31 Israelis and 4 Lebanese.

Eight journalists were also injured, three were missing, and eight journalists were arrested, the commission added. In addition, the media offices and private homes of war correspondents in Gaza have been vandalized, and their families are at risk of being threatened, attacked and killed.

Ibrahim Daman, a journalist who remained reporting from Gaza, told the Associated Press, "I feel intense fear. "I'm worried about myself, my wife and my children. ”

On October 10, local time, after Israel launched an airstrike on Gaza City, Palestinians were injured in al-Shifa Hospital.

"Hospital Scene in a Nightmare"

On the 4th local time, Palestinian Health Minister Mai Kayla said that since the outbreak of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, 150 medical personnel have died in the Gaza Strip, 27 ambulances have been destroyed, and another 16 hospitals and 32 clinics have been forced to stop serving due to continuous bombardment by the Israeli army and lack of fuel.

According to reports, Israeli forces bombed the area near Shifa Hospital, Al-Quds Hospital, and Indonesian Hospital in the Gaza Strip on 3 July. Health authorities in the Gaza Strip said at least 15 people were killed and 60 injured in Israeli airstrikes on the front of the al-Shifa hospital.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of the World Health Organization, said that as many as 237 attacks on the health system have been confirmed in the current round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict areas, and that 36 of the 14 hospitals in the Gaza Strip are not functioning. ”

According to the Associated Press, hospitals across Gaza are being put to the test, with dimly lit lights, no beds, inadequate anesthesia and "nightmarish sights" everywhere. Many patients often undergo surgery without adequate anesthesia and scream in horror during the procedure.

"It's a nightmare," one MSF admitted. He said that the shortage of surgical supplies has forced some medical staff to close wounds with sewing needles and dress up burns with clothing, and they have even had to clean their wounds with muddy faucets because Israel has cut off water to the area.

The World Health Organization issued a statement on the 4th, saying that the attack on medical institutions is "unacceptable", and the targeting of hospitals or medical facilities, as well as restrictions on the supply of basic aid such as fuel, water and medical supplies, may constitute a violation of international humanitarian law.

UN Secretary-General António Guterres said earlier that civilians in the Gaza Strip have been besieged, killed, and their homes have been bombed without assistance for nearly a month, and this must stop. (ENDS)