The constitutionalist entity Consensus and Regeneration, created on the initiative of the Joan Boscà Foundation, issued a manifesto to demand new elections in Spain and that the agreements that the PSOE has with the pro-independence formations are not effective, including the amnesty law that is being prepared for the judicial and accounting processes opened by the 'procés'. They also urge other organizations and parties to join their manifesto in order to channel all civil society mobilizations against the amnesty.

Specifically, they believe that "the approval of an amnesty law in the terms announced is contrary to the Constitution and the basic postulates of a democratic State of Law, as it is a unique law that seeks to guarantee the impunity of those who committed serious crimes, undermining the equal subjection of all citizens before the law."

They also point out that the pardon "would involve interference in the exclusive functions of the Judiciary" since "the amnesty law would question specific judicial convictions and would prevent the courts from being able to prosecute certain acts classified at the time as crimes." "Unlike a pardon, which pardons the sentence, or a general decriminalization of a type of crime, amnesty implies a personalized exception from the general law that justifies for political reasons certain acts that, if committed by other people, would still be criminal. Among others, crimes of embezzlement of public funds, disobedience and public disorder," they say.

For this reason, they believe that "approving a law of this relevance in the context of the negotiations to form a government reveals its spurious nature and should be considered arbitrary, no matter how much it is presented as a measure in defense of coexistence. Moreover, it should be remembered that the potential beneficiaries of it have shown no regret for the insurgency perpetrated in 2017 and, if it were to come, the renunciation of the unilateral path is not a gracious concession worthy of reward, but a minimum requirement for democratic coexistence."

In this sense, they recall that "the announced amnesty lacks the democratic legitimacy that is required for a decision of this importance, even if it was approved by a slim absolute majority of Congress" since the "PSOE did not include in its electoral program this measure that now, months later, wants to be publicly presented as essential to improve coexistence in Catalonia". The entity, whose coordinating board is made up of personalities such as Iñaki Arteta, Carlos Conde, Elisa de la Nuez, Sergio Fidalgo, Gorka Maneiro, José Rosiñol or Miriam Tey among others, points out its opposition to "the amnesty because it considers it unconstitutional and in any case anti-democratic and unjust" and calls for "a repeat election in which the parties clearly and evidently expose their position regarding the amnesty so that citizens can vote well informed."

Consensus and Regeneration also highlights that "in the face of political polarization and dependence on extremes, we believe in the need for a constructive dialogue between the main political forces, especially PP and PSOE, in order to face the challenges we face as a society and to provide institutional stability to our country. Because there is much more that unites us Spaniards than what separates us."

  • PSOE
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  • Ministry of Defence
  • Amnesty