Europe 1 with AFP 22:09 p.m., November 05, 2023

Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin assured Sunday night on France 2 that he would find "a way of passage" for his immigration bill, debated from Monday in the Senate, showing himself "opposed" to the use of Article 49.3 for this text.

"This text is firmness. And we will find a way through Parliament to get it passed," said Gérald Darmanin. Asked about a possible recourse to 49.3 in the event of a blockage, the minister replied that he was "opposed to the use of this article for this text". "I have plenty of time to debate and find a compromise," he said.

"If necessary, we will take our responsibilities (on the use of 49.3, editor's note). But if we have to discuss weeks and nights in Parliament, I will do it," Darmanin said, adding that he "needs the law to change" to "protect the French".

A draft law to be examined on Monday

The immigration bill, which has been in the pipeline for a year, will be considered from Monday in the Senate. The two sides of the Senate majority (right and centre) refuse to agree on Article 3, which provides for a one-year renewable residence permit for irregular workers employed in sectors with labour shortages.

>> ALSO READ – Immigration law: Gérald Darmanin "holds" to the measure on "jobs in shortage"

On this aspect of the law, one of the most sensitive, the Minister of the Interior explained that "the French (...) want to be able to welcome their nanny, the waiter in the restaurant, the street sweeper, the person who goes to collect the fruit and vegetables from the fields and be able to deport the offender."

A 'political issue'

"We are ready (...) to find that political balance with the Senate," he added. This long-awaited text of the presidential majority is criticized on both the right and the left for opposite reasons. It is a "political issue" according to the Minister of Labour, Olivier Dussopt, especially in the face of the far right, which has made immigration its favourite subject.

>> ALSO READ – Immigration: Dussopt "open to form" to regularize employees in occupations in short supply

Gérald Darmanin also attacked the leader of the RN deputies, Marine Le Pen, assuring that she "is experiencing problems". "My job is to ensure the security of the French people, controlled immigration, so that Mrs. Le Pen gets as few votes as possible and so that the French choose republican parties," he said.