Beijing, 11 Nov (ZXS) -- A spokesman for the Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council of the People's Republic of China issued a statement on 5 November, severely condemning the calls by some politicians in the US Congress for imposing sanctions on government officials and judicial personnel of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), and expressing firm support for the government officials and judicial personnel of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) in performing their duties of safeguarding national security in accordance with the law.

The spokesman pointed out that the clumsy behavior of those US politicians can only once again expose the ugliness of their arrogance and hegemony and their weakness in their skills. The rule of law in the HKSAR has always been widely praised by the international community. In accordance with the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Hong Kong National Security Law and other laws, the government officials and judicial officers of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region exercise law enforcement, prosecution and judicial powers in cases of serious crimes endangering national security, and perform their duties to safeguard national security and the rule of law in Hong Kong. The arrogant and absurd move of those US politicians who have gone so far as to threaten to impose sanctions on them completely deviates from the spirit of the rule of law and ignores international justice. It's just that the people of the world, including the Chinese, have long stopped eating this set and have long regarded their so-called sanctions as a piece of waste paper. No matter how many tricks those US politicians play, they are doomed to be in vain and in vain, and the world will see through their "paper tiger" nature.

The spokesman said that the clumsy acts of those US politicians can only confirm their criminal collusion with anti-China and destabilizing elements in Hong Kong, and speed up the sounding of the "death knell" for their agents in Hong Kong. They are so angry and unscrupulous in threatening to sanction SAR government officials and judicial officers in order to "rescue" their agents in Hong Kong. Their undisguised and frank deeds have proved their "master-slave" relationship with Jimmy Lai and other anti-China and destabilizing elements who endanger China's national security, and have made people further realize that those anti-China and destabilizing elements are "fighting for the United States" and have committed serious crimes and must be severely punished in accordance with the law.

The spokesman pointed out that the clumsy acts of those US politicians can only strengthen the determination and will of the Hong Kong SAR government officials and judicial personnel to safeguard national security, and further arouse the common hatred and hatred of the whole Hong Kong society against external interference. The HKSAR Government and the judiciary have taken a clear-cut and justified stand to state that they will not be afraid of any intimidation and will unswervingly discharge their responsibility to safeguard national security. Relevant organizations, organizations and representatives of Hong Kong society have also spoken out to condemn US politicians for interfering in the independent operation of Hong Kong's judiciary and undermining the rule of law in Hong Kong, and supporting HKSAR government officials and judicial personnel in safeguarding national security and the rule of law in Hong Kong in accordance with the law. Facts have proven time and again that no external intervention can stop Hong Kong's sonorous pace from chaos to order, from order to prosperity.

In conclusion, the spokesperson stressed that the Central Government firmly supports the full and accurate implementation of the National Security Law in the HKSAR, resolutely upholds national security, upholds the dignity of the rule of law, and spares every effort to protect the legitimate rights and interests of HKSAR government officials and judicial officers. We are telling those US politicians to recognize the general trend, restrain themselves from the precipice, and immediately stop all kinds of political manipulation, otherwise they will only shoot themselves in the foot! (ENDS)