The G7 = Foreign Ministers' Meeting of the Seven Major Countries will be held in Tokyo from July 7. We exchanged views on the tense Israeli-Palestinian situation and China's trend of strengthening its maritime expansion, and decided to compile an outcome document.

The G7 Foreign Ministers' Meeting will be held at the Iikura Consulate in Minato-ku, Tokyo, for two days from July 7.

This is the first time that G2 foreign ministers have met since the military confrontation between Hamas and Israel began on July 7.

After visiting both Israel and the Palestinian Territories last week, Foreign Minister Kamikawa, who chairs the meeting, said, "Based on this visit, I would like to have a frank and in-depth exchange of views at the Foreign Ministers' Meeting."

Japan condemns the terrorist attacks by Hamas and other organizations, and conveys its belief that it is important to temporarily suspend hostilities for humanitarian purposes and secure an environment in which humanitarian assistance activities can take place, given that the Gaza Strip is mired in a serious humanitarian crisis.

In addition, we exchanged views on Russia's invasion of Ukraine, China's move to strengthen its maritime expansion, and North Korea's nuclear and missile development, and will compile an outcome document on the final day.

This will be the second G7 Foreign Ministers' Meeting to be held in Japan after April, and we intend to unite and send a strong message.