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US President Joe Biden: Too old to govern?

Photo: Evan Vucci / AP

Exactly one year before the U.S. presidential election on November 5, 2024, the New York Times and Siena College have published results of an election poll that do not look good for incumbent President Joe Biden. According to the survey, the Democrat is behind Donald Trump, who could again run for the Republican presidential nomination in five of six contested states. The so-called swing states often decide the outcome of the election.

As the New York Times reports, Trump was ahead of Biden in the polls in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania. Only in Wisconsin did the Democrat lead the poll. In 2020, Biden had won the election in all these states. Now he averaged 44 percent, while Trump averaged 48 percent.

According to the survey, a majority of respondents said that Joe Biden's policies had harmed them personally. Among several demographic groups that helped the Democrat win the 2020 election, he now has only a razor-thin lead. For example, among eligible voters under the age of 30, he is only one percentage point ahead of Donald Trump.

Similarly unpopular

Biden's lead in cities is only half as large as Trump's in rural areas. While the majority of women continue to say they will vote for Biden, Trump's lead among men is much more pronounced.

According to the survey, the 80-year-old president and his 77-year-old challenger have one thing in common: they are similarly unpopular, summarizes the New York Times.

However, while 71 percent of respondents said Joe Biden was too old to govern effectively as president, only 39 percent felt Donald Trump's age was too high.

The spokesman for Biden's campaign emphasized the uncertainty of election polls that take place a year in advance. Gallup, for example, predicted an election defeat for Obama, which turned out to be wrong a year later in the 2012 election.
