The Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, announced that its operatives had destroyed 6 Israeli tanks with 105 Al-Yassin shells and killed a number of soldiers.

Al-Qassam said – in a series of statements on its Telegram platform – that its fighters destroyed a tank penetrating northwest of Gaza City, two tanks in Tal al-Hawa (south of Gaza City), and 3 tanks in Beit Hanoun in the northern Gaza Strip.

It added that its members were engaged in armed clashes with enemy forces northwest of Gaza this morning and last night and destroyed a tank with a Al-Yassin 105 shell. It stressed that its fighters confirm that they killed a number of soldiers at close range.

There was no Israeli comment on the Qassam Brigades' announcement on Sunday.

Earlier, the Israeli army announced that 30 of its officers and soldiers were killed during the ground operation in Gaza, and explained that the total number of military deaths reached 342 since the start of the battle of the Al-Aqsa flood.

Two days ago, Israeli media reported that the occupation army evacuated 260 wounded soldiers from the battle, and the occupation leaders admitted that their soldiers suffer painful losses in the ground battles.

Occupation, flood and aggression

It is noteworthy that Israel was established on Arab land occupied in 1948, annexed Jerusalem and the West Bank in 1967, and continued throughout its 75 years to kill and arrest Palestinians, expand settlement activity in the West Bank, launch military operations on Gaza and attack Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem.

In response to these attacks, the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military arm of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), and other Palestinian resistance factions launched Operation Al-Aqsa Flood on October 1542, killing more than 5431,<> Israelis and wounding <>,<> of them.

The Palestinian resistance also captured 240 Israelis and announced that it wanted to exchange them for more than 6,<> Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons.

For its part, Israel continued its aggression on Gaza, bombing homes, schools, hospitals and mosques, killing more than 9770,24 Palestinians, mostly women and children, injuring <>,<>, destroying entire neighborhoods and displacing most of the population.