Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Sunday expressed his readiness to "help manage the Strip" after the "isolation" of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), calling on the United States to immediately stop the ongoing war on Gaza, according to a Reuters official quoted as saying.

The Blinken and Abbas meeting is the second of its kind since the start of the Israeli aggression on Gaza and the first in the West Bank. It followed a round of talks Blinken held in Israel and Jordan amid fears of a widening war.

Reuters quoted a senior U.S. official as saying that Blinken told the Palestinian leader during the meeting that the Palestinian Authority should play a central role in Gaza's future.

"The future of Gaza was not the focus of the meeting, but the Palestinian Authority seemed ready to play a role," the US official said, noting that Blinken thanked Abbas for helping him maintain calm in the West Bank.

Blinken suggested that the most logical solution in the Strip would be for an "effective and revitalized Palestinian Authority" to eventually run it, but acknowledged that other states and international agencies are likely to play a role in security and governance in the meantime.

AFP quoted sources as saying Abbas had linked the return of the Palestinian Authority to the Gaza Strip to a "comprehensive political solution".

Abbas said during the meeting, which lasted about an hour away from the media, "Security and peace are achieved by ending the Israeli occupation of the land of the State of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital on the 1967 borders."

"The Gaza Strip is an integral part of the State of Palestine, and we will assume our full responsibilities within the framework of a comprehensive political solution in both the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip," he said.

War of Genocide

The official Palestinian news agency Wafa noted that Abbas "demanded an immediate end to the devastating war and the speedy provision of humanitarian aid, including medical supplies, food, water, electricity and fuel, to the Gaza Strip."

"We meet again in very difficult circumstances, and there are no words to describe the genocidal war that our Palestinian people are subjected to in Gaza at the hands of the Israeli war machine, without regard to the rules of international law," he said.

Abbas also warned against the displacement of the Palestinian people out of Gaza, the West Bank or Jerusalem, saying, "We categorically reject this."

What is happening in the West Bank and Jerusalem is no less horrific, he said, including "killing and attacks on land, people and holy sites at the hands of the occupation forces and terrorist settlers, who carry out crimes of ethnic cleansing, racial discrimination and piracy of the Palestinian people's funds".

Abbas held Israel fully responsible for what is happening, saying that "military and security solutions will not bring security to Israel, and we demand that they stop committing these crimes immediately."

It is noteworthy that Blinken participated on Saturday in a ministerial meeting with his counterparts from several Arab countries, namely Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar in addition to Jordan, while the Arab countries strongly condemn the continuation of the Israeli bombardment of the Gaza Strip, which led to thousands of civilian casualties.

Arab foreign ministers demanded an immediate ceasefire and an end to the war in Gaza, while Blinken said a ceasefire now would allow Hamas to reposition itself and repeat what it did.

The Israeli army has been continuing for 30 days a devastating war on Gaza, in which 9770,4800 Palestinians have been killed so far, including 2550,596 children, 24,151 women and 2080 elderly, while more than <>,<> others have been injured, <> Palestinians have been martyred and <>,<> arrested in the West Bank, according to official Palestinian sources.