The future amnesty law that Pedro Sánchez is finalizing to return to the government has encouraged a tide of mobilizations throughout Spain that began at the end of this week in front of Ferraz's headquarters, will continue throughout this Sunday and will extend over the next few days in parts of the country.

Not only the Popular Party and Vox have been at the forefront of the protests, but different civic organizations have been in charge of calling more demonstrations for this month of November in cities such as Valencia, Madrid and Barcelona to protest the concessions to the independence movement.

Civil society took to the streets this Sunday in Barcelona, León, Vigo, Córdoba and Villarreal. Next week it will be cities such as Seville, Murcia, Alicante or Santander that will take to the streets to protest against the future regulations. Last Friday's rally at the national headquarters of the PSOE, where the police arrested a man for trying to jump the cordon and refusing to identify himself, will be repeated this Monday at 20:00 p.m.

There will also be protests at the different headquarters of the Socialists in various parts of Spain. The mass protest has been scheduled through social networks.

Police unions and Civil Guard groups have also revolted against Pedro Sánchez's plans. Next Friday, the Unified Police Union (SUP) and the Unified Association of Civil Guards (AUGC) will gather in front of the courts of Barcelona to show their rejection of the agreement reached by the PSOE and ERC for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez. It is a symbolic day, as there are statements for the 1-0 in court. The rally seeks to show support for the prosecuted agents.

For his part, Alberto Núñez Feijóo has confirmed that he will attend the demonstration against the amnesty called for next Saturday, November 18 in Madrid, organized by different civic organizations. "Not in my name: no amnesty, no self-determination. For freedom, unity and equality" is the slogan of this protest, which will take place that day at 12:00 noon in the Plaza de Cibeles, Madrid.

The Popular Party of the Valencian Community has called for an event in "defence of the equality of all Spaniards" in Valencia. This protest will be held next Sunday, November 5, from 12:00 noon, in Plaça dels Furs, next to the Serrano Towers. This demonstration is part of the several protests that the PP has already been holding in different Spanish cities, such as Malaga or Madrid.

Barcelona figures prominently in the anti-amnesty protests. The Catalan capital will be the scene of several protests by constitutionalist groups that demand an end to the agreement reached by the Socialists with the Republican Left of Catalonia (ERC) and the one being forged with Together for Catalonia, as they consider it a "covert coup d'état".

This Monday, the youth organization Revuelta has called for a rally in front of the headquarters of the PSC in Barcelona. It will be at 20 p.m. and at the same time it is also urged to protest at the headquarters of the PSOE in Madrid, on Ferraz Street, the scene of the rallies of recent days, in front of socialist premises in Badajoz and Seville.

"We cannot remain silent while Sánchez sells Spain to coup separatism," says this entity that some media place close to Vox and add: "Let's keep the pressure on the streets! Bring your flag, banner, whistle or horn so that we can be seen and heard very loudly, Sanchez traitor!"

The Barcelona call has been joined by other constitutionalist entities such as S'ha Acabat, which will also be present, along with other organizations and political parties, at the mobilizations that will take place in Barcelona this week.

Police unions and groups of the Armed Institute will condemn next Friday the amnesty for those accused of the 'procés' and will show their support for the agents prosecuted for 1-O. They also announced that parties such as Ciudadanos or Vox will attend this event. The union organisers believe that the officers are being "humiliated" and that the National Police and the Civil Guard are "being used as bargaining chips in the negotiations to form a government".

In addition, they regret that the two bodies "are losing their influence and presence in Catalonia due to the continuous intention of reducing competences and expelling the civil guards and national police from this autonomous community". "From both police organizations we denounce that, putting our own physical integrity at risk, the police and civil guards complied with the government orders aimed at restoring the constitutional order," they add and assure that the Government "tries to amnesty those who broke the rule of law to negotiate and whitewash what seriously happened that day and try to judicially condemn and humiliate police and civil guards who acted with total seriousness and professionalism on October 1."

That is why they regret that in Catalonia "the staff of the Mossos d'Esquadra is increased, the budget item for this regional police is increased while the State Security Forces and Corps are denied the recognition of the complement of Special Singularity Zone". On the other hand, the entity Catalonia Suma called for the demonstration in the center of Barcelona on November 12 'No in the name of Spain, no to amnesty'. It has been joined by some twenty constitutionalist organisations, both Catalan and from the rest of Spain, as well as PP, Cs and Vox.

In this sense, the organisers hope that "all the constitutionalist groups in Barcelona and, in particular, the different leaders of the political formations in Catalonia" will attend, although it is organised by organisations of society civil.La protest comes a month after another against the amnesty organised by the Catalan Civil Society in the centre of the city that housed some 50,000 people.

The president of Catalonia Suma, Eva Higueras, urged people to take to the streets "now more than ever to make the voice of society known and heard, which is clamoring for unity and not division" and added that "it is essential to show the united rejection of the whole of society to a covert coup d'état that Sánchez and the separatists intend to perpetrate".