China News Service, Shanghai, November 11 (Reporter Guo Chaokai) "China will always be an important opportunity for the world's development, and will firmly promote high-level opening-up", Chinese President Xi Jinping pointed out in a letter to the 5th China International Import Expo on the 5th.

As the world's first import-themed national-level exhibition, the new CIIE arrived on the 5th as scheduled. This year's CIIE fully resumed offline exhibitions, and the scale hit a record high.

Experts interviewed by China News Service pointed out that in the context of the sluggish recovery of the world economy and the headwinds of globalization, China's high-level officials once again declared China's firm determination to promote high-level opening-up and promote the construction of an open world economy at the Expo, sending a triple signal to the outside world.

Signal 1: China's door will open wider and wider.

Over the past six years, the CIIE has become an important window for the world to understand China's opening-up policy, witnessing China's opening wider and wider doors.

From "comprehensively and in-depth implementation of the pre-establishment national treatment plus negative list management system", to "accelerate the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port and create a new highland of opening up", to "promote the optimization and upgrading of trade in goods, innovate the development mechanism of trade in services, expand the import of high-quality products, and create a 'Silk Road e-commerce' cooperation pilot zone"... Previously, at the opening ceremony of the CIIE, Xi Jinping repeatedly announced a series of major opening up measures in China. Over the past few years, these pragmatic measures have been implemented one after another, effectively implemented, and deepened.

At this year's CIIE, Chinese Premier Li Qiang said at the opening ceremony that "the implementation of the national version and the pilot free trade zone version of the negative list for cross-border trade in services", "to build more high-level open platforms such as the pilot free trade zone and the Hainan free trade port", etc., will continue to release the dividends of China's opening up.

According to Ye Yu, deputy director of the Institute of World Economy at the Shanghai Institute of International Studies, Chinese leaders frequently raised the topic of "opening up" and announced new measures for opening up at the Expo, sending a clear signal to the outside world that "China's door to opening up will only open wider and wider in the future".

Chen Fengying, a researcher at the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, said that in recent years, China has launched a large number of new opening-up measures to further improve the legal system for foreign investment, which has provided a guarantee for expanding high-level opening-up and made the world more clearly aware of China's firm determination to open up to the outside world.

Signal 2: China's opening up opportunities are shared with the rest of the world.

"Openness" has always been an important keyword at the Expo. Over the past six years, the CIIE has been "holding hands" with the world with an open attitude, and has been widely welcomed and recognized by the international community.

Xi Jinping sent a letter emphasizing that "I hope that the CIIE will accelerate the improvement of its window function for building a new development pattern and provide new opportunities for the world with China's new development; Give full play to the role of a platform to promote high-level opening-up, and make China's big market a big market shared by the world."

CIIE has always been a "two-way journey between China and the world". Many exhibitors have changed from "trying" to "coming from year to year", and many exhibits have changed from "debut" to "hot sales"... In the first five editions of the Expo, more than 2000,3500 representative new products, new technologies and new services were showcased, with a cumulative intended turnover of nearly US$<> billion.

At this year's CIIE, the world's top 400 vehicle brands, top <> industrial electrical enterprises, and top <> medical device companies all attended, and more than <> new products, new technologies, and new services were displayed.

Chen Fengying pointed out that the CIIE has demonstrated to the world the new pulse of China's economy, "transfused and pressurized" the world economy, and also provided an important platform for foreign enterprises to tap the potential of China's vast market.

"A series of important exhibitions represented by the CIIE, the CIFTIS, the Canton Fair and the Consumer Expo have become an important platform for sharing open opportunities and expanding economic and trade exchanges." Ye Yu pointed out that in the current context of "decoupling and chain breaking" and "de-risking" advocated by some Western countries, China welcomes the world to share China's development opportunities with an open attitude, bringing warmth and confidence to the world economy that is struggling to recover under multiple risks and challenges.

Third, opening up to the outside world remains a key move for China's development.

Openness is the hallmark of contemporary China. Xi Jinping has emphasized the importance of "opening up" on many occasions, and has clearly pointed out that "opening up to the outside world is a key move for China's development".

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has implemented a more proactive strategy of opening up, built a new system of a higher-level open economy, and formed a pattern of opening up to the outside world on a larger scale, in a wider range of fields and at a deeper level, so as to promote the common prosperity and development of the world economy in the process of Chinese-style modernization.

This year coincides with the 45th anniversary of China's reform and opening up, and how China will promote opening up next is the focus of attention from the outside world. Li Qiang said at the opening ceremony of this year's CIIE that China will continue to promote the opening up of "greater market opportunities", "better alignment of rules", "more momentum for innovation" and "stronger inclusiveness and sharing".

"China's modernization achievements have been achieved in the process of opening up, and it will surely rely on opening up to move into the future." Chen Fengying said that on the new journey, the key move of opening up to the outside world will help China promote reform, development and innovation through opening-up, release new reform dividends, and promote high-quality development.

In Ye Yu's view, high-level opening-up is an important driving force for China to solve development problems. This time, the Chinese side said that it will continue to promote opening-up in four aspects, and the intensity and pattern of opening-up will be greater and better than in the past. China's high-level leadership once again focused on "opening up" at the CIIE, which fully shows that opening up to the outside world is still a key move for China's development. (ENDS)