Vladimir Putin expressed confidence that all residents of the new Russian regions can be counted on. The President stated this during a conversation that took place after laying flowers at the monument to Minin and Pozharsky in honor of the Day of National Unity.

The event was attended by representatives of religious denominations, as well as members of public and youth organizations, including the People's Front For Russia movement, the #МыВместе project, the Yunarmiya movement, the Vympel Center, the Victory Volunteers movement, the Search Movement of Russia, the Defenders of the Fatherland Foundation, and the Movement of the First community.

One of the participants of the meeting, who arrived from the Zaporizhzhia region, thanked the head of state for the decision to launch a special military operation.

"If we didn't believe in you, if we didn't love you with all our hearts, we would never have done this. And, of course, I know that all the people who live in these territories can be counted on," the president said.

Putin also talked with members of the Youth Army, one of whom presented the head of state with a badge of the Youth Army, symbolizing the unity of the members of this movement. Another soldier handed over to the president a "soldier's triangle" - one of the letters written by children for the participants of the special military operation.

As the young man who handed the letter to Putin explained, the participants in the special operation stated that these letters help them perk up and move on.

"I know it's a very important thing to have moral support for people who risk their lives every day, maybe every hour. This is very important," Putin said.

In addition, the President listened to the words of a member of the Popular Front, who announced difficulties with the supply of necessary things to the participants of the NWO, in particular doctors, due to issues of permits. According to her, we are talking, for example, about reinforced tape, flashlights and felt-tip pens.

"Maybe all sorts of lists became obsolete a long time ago, because when they were compiled, there were no such goods," Putin replied and promised to solve the problem.

In addition, activists of the Popular Front told the president about a case in the DPR, when in a few hours they managed to find a new wheelchair for a teenager to replace the damaged one.

"This is the most important thing – direct assistance to people. There is nothing more important," the president said.

On November 3, during a meeting with members of the Civic Chamber, the head of state noted that the unity of the people was a key component of Russia's entry into new frontiers.

"If the culture, traditions, and history of a nation are destroyed, then the people gradually begin to disappear as an ethnos, dissolve like snow in late spring," the president said.

In his speech, he also spoke about the role of Alexander Nevsky in the history of Russia, noting that the prince thought about preserving the Russian people and all other peoples living on the territory of our country.

"In many ways, the same thing is happening today, when we say that we are defending our moral values, our history, our culture, our language, including by helping our brothers and sisters in Donbass and Novorossiya to do this," Putin said.

The president was also asked about the decision to launch a special operation. In response, the head of state stressed that Russia had no other choice.

"Because before you decide to uncover the machine, you need to think about whether you can do without it. No, unfortunately, that could not be done. Why? Because we've already been attacked," he said.