AMMAN – One of the most essential gifts we can give our children is acceptance, stability and, most importantly, love. Of course, parents love their children innately, but there is a need to express this love occasionally, even if it seems complicated at times.

There are easy ways to express your love for your child and make him feel it, this feeling of parental love can improve many aspects of his life, according to what experts confirm to Al Jazeera Net.

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Emotional intelligence and resilience

Psycho-educational consultant Dr. Rola Abu Bakr says that expressing love to our children is "a multifaceted journey that goes beyond just words," and that the impact of our affection "reflects on different aspects of their lives, shaping their emotional intelligence."

She adds that the sense of love in children "is comprehensive and integrated, as a happy child feels safe and confident and is loving to others, and takes the initiative to show feelings of love to those around him, which contributes to his emotional development."

Psychologist and educational specialist Dr. Roula Abu Bakr (Al Jazeera)

Ways to express love to a child

Roula remembers, in her interview with Al Jazeera Net, some ways to express love for the child, including:

  • Having a good time: The most effective way to express love is to spend quality time with our children, engage in activities they enjoy, enjoy attentively with them, and be present in these moments, all of this not only strengthens the bond between parents and the child, but also enhances the sense of security and importance.
  • Boosting self-confidence: Encouragement and verbal expressions of love have a profound impact on a child's self-esteem, we have to regularly emphasize the value of our children, enhance their strengths and bless their efforts, as this is an essential building block of their self-confidence.
  • Positive listening: Show your love for your child through positive listening, when your child feels heard and understood, they are likely to develop strong interpersonal skills, and this helps build empathy, which is a crucial component of emotional intelligence.
  • Encourage the expression of emotions: Encourage your child to express his feelings by teaching him a variety of emotional vocabulary, so you provide him with the necessary tools to understand and express his feelings effectively, and this enhances his self-awareness.
    Verbal expressions of love have a profound effect on a child's self-esteem (Pixels)

Expressing love to your child is a dynamic process that stems from different aspects of their life. These small efforts contribute significantly to the development of his emotional intelligence. By creating a loving and supportive environment, you provide your child with the tools to navigate their emotions and their ability to think together and express freely.

Forms and manifestations of love

In turn, the educational expert, Dr. Zoukan Obeidat, told Al Jazeera Net that the expression of love has several forms and manifestations, including:

  • Body language: This is shown by the expressions of the child's parents and welcoming him with a smile, as well as hugging him continuously, in addition to talking to the child and listening to him to make him feel that his words are important.
  • Endorse some of the child's ideas: By listening to your child, it is important to endorse some of his ideas, and you can guide him to the right behavior away from preaching and guidance.

Educational expert Dr. Zoukan Obeidat (social media)

  • Appreciate the child's actions and behaviors: through the use of phrases such as: "Thank you", and the conversation with him should be using the word "I", for example: tell him "I am happy with you", "I love you very much", "I am proud of you", and others.
  • Praise the child's achievements: It is important to praise the child's achievements and appreciate the good deeds he does, because this makes him feel self-confident, loved in his family, balance, a sense of importance and appreciation of the role he plays among members of his family.
  • Love strengthens mental health: Love makes the child act without suppression or fear, and he has a personality free of knots and capable of facing and solving problems.