It is not more difficult than counting the martyrs in the Israeli war on the Palestinian Gaza Strip except documenting the massacres, which are difficult to name.

In just 3 weeks, the Israeli occupation forces have committed more than 700 massacres against Palestinian families, during which more than 8005,3342 Palestinians (documented by name) including 2062,460 children, 7,<> women and <> elderly people have been killed since the start of the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip on <> October.

Warplanes, artillery and gunboats hit homes, buildings, schools, hospitals, mosques, churches, streets and even the headquarters of the United Nations and humanitarian organizations, and neighborhoods were flattened, and their inhabitants emerged from the rubble carried on shoulders, or left under the rubble due to the lack of rescue and evacuation crews.

As if all this were not enough, the injured were deprived of treatment, the sick were deprived of medicine, the hungry had food, children had places of joy, and the residents of the besieged Gaza Strip were living with severe shortages of food and subsistence materials, the absence of shelters, electricity cuts, lack of potable water and loss of shelter.

Whole neighborhoods and buildings as if they were not, with little equipment, and rescuers' hands seek through the rubble trying to reach the bodies under the rubble, but the civilian rescue teams themselves become the target of Israeli bombardment.

While the occupancy rate in hospitals in the Gaza Strip has reached 170%, the aid that has arrived so far is only shrouds and bandages, and can in no way meet the needs of the health system, Gaza Ministry of Health spokesman Ashraf al-Qidra told Al Jazeera.

The video documents a limited aspect of the massacres that are difficult to count due to their large number, as one day records 20 to 30 massacres in different neighborhoods of the besieged Gaza Strip, where there are various forms of killing, destruction and bloodshed.