Several actors will be present, such as The Man Behind the Uniform (MBU), the Red Cross and the Church of Sweden.

The idea from the organizer was that members from, among others, the Jewish community and Gothenburg's mosques would walk side by side in a torchlight procession from Gustav Adolfs torg to the premises where the fire occurred on Hisingen.

Partly to show solidarity for the deceased, but also to counteract the division in society. But the Jewish community declines its invitation.

"We think the initiative is fantastic, we support this and our Muslim brothers and sisters, but right now we can't participate," Bratel said.

Makes the organizer sad

The fact that any person, group or congregation in Gothenburg feels unsafe makes organizer Rozbeh Aslanian sad. He is also disappointed that fellowship between groups should be so controversial.

"I think it's very sad that when you talk about community and consensus and being a healing force, that it should be so controversial," says Rozbeh Aslanian, organizer of the manifestation.

Many Jews insecure

He says that there is a great deal of discomfort and feeling of insecurity among many Swedish Jews today. He believes that the political climate has changed for a while now.

Participating in a public manifestation would be a security risk, according to him.

"The terrorist threat level against the Jewish institution is increasing. They talk about killing Jews, the Holocaust of Israel. Many people find this threatening," says John Bratel.

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63 young people died and over 200 were injured in the fire at the Macedonian Association in Gothenburg 25 years ago. Photo: TT