Condemnations of the crimes of the Israeli occupation army in the Gaza Strip did not stop within the borders of the Arab world, but reached many European capitals, and here a voice from the Kingdom of Sweden expressed by the Swedish writer Jöran Büren, criticizing the current government's "strongly pro-Israel" policy.

Burin has an important work that reveals the bias of Western public opinion in general towards the Israeli side at the expense of the Palestinian Arab side, as he explained in his book "The Assassination of the International Mediator in Palestine/Count Folke Bernadotte" (2022), whose Arabic translation was recently published with Sameh Khalaf's translation from Swedish, the story of the assassination of Count Folke Bernadotte, whose name is associated with the events of 1948 in Palestine, and the conflict that took place and continues to take place between Palestinian Arabs and Jewish immigrants who poured into Palestine in the few decades before the Nakba. These events ended with the events of the Nakba and displacement in Palestine, and the declaration of the establishment of the State of Israel.

In an interview with Al Jazeera Net, the Swedish writer addressed the Western position towards the destruction taking place in Gaza, describing it as "unfair" and stressing that "Israel, America, and European countries are responsible for the state of despair and frustration that has been brewing in Gaza for many years, which was bound to explode sooner or later."

Born in 1946 in the western Swedish province of Gothenburg, Büren studied sociology, literary studies and history at the universities of Lund and Umeå. Buren first emerged as a novelist, publishing a number of works of fiction, before turning to historical subjects.

In 2022, his book, "The Crime of Assassinating the International Mediator in Palestine", was published in Arabic by Samah Publishing House in Sweden, in which he revealed that "the Zionist Organization (Argun) headed by (later) Prime Minister Menachem Begin (1913-1992) and the Stern Organization headed by (later) Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir (1915-2012) carried out the assassination of Bernadotte in 1948." The author has also published another book, The Equal Value of All Human Beings, which talks about the reality of Palestinian refugees.

The book "The Crime of Assassination of the International Mediator in Palestine / Count Folke Bernadotte" translated into Arabic (Al Jazeera)

Here is the transcript of the interview:

  • In light of the relationship between Sweden and Israel, which has gone through difficult periods since the assassination of Count Folke Bernadotte, how do you explain the Swedish popular and official position in support of Israel?

As for the Swedish position, official and popular, during the first decades of the state's existence, it was almost 100% united in supporting Israel. That changed after the 1967 war, where popular sympathy for the Palestinians grew, and remains strong.

Official support for Israel has always been strong, but during the governments of Olof Palme (1927-1986) and Ingvar Karlsson, in particular, there was also a lot of sympathy for the Palestinian cause. Since the turn of the millennium, Swedish official support for Israel has once again become stronger.

The Swedish official position has changed a lot. Official support for Israel has always been strong, but during the governments of Olof Palme (1927-1986) and Ingvar Carlsson, in particular, there was also a lot of sympathy for the Palestinian cause. Since the turn of the millennium, Swedish official support for Israel has once again become stronger, and under the current government, the government's policy has become strongly pro-Israel.

The Western position is by no means fair, because it does not recognize that Israel is responsible for the situation in Palestine, and indirectly the United States of America and the European countries themselves are responsible for the state of despair and frustration that has been brewing in Gaza for many years, and which was bound to explode sooner or later. Therefore, what Hamas has done against the Israeli army is a legitimate right guaranteed by international law. On the other hand, I do not support the killing of civilians.

  • Coinciding with the current events in Gaza, do you think that the American and European position in general is balanced and fair, especially given the total destruction and blockade imposed by Israel on the Gaza Strip?

The Western position is by no means fair, because it does not recognize that Israel is responsible for the situation in Palestine, and indirectly the United States of America and the European countries themselves are responsible for the state of despair and frustration that has been brewing in Gaza for many years, and which was bound to explode sooner or later. Therefore, what Hamas has done against the Israeli army is a legitimate right guaranteed by international law. On the other hand, I do not support the killing of civilians.

In their coverage of recent events in the Gaza Strip, the Western media generally consider them biased to varying degrees, and their coverage shows that the lives of Israelis are more important than the lives of Palestinians.

In their coverage of recent events in the Gaza Strip, the Western media generally consider them biased to varying degrees, and their coverage of events shows that the lives of Israelis are more important than the lives of Palestinians.

Swedish writer Jören Boran: Israelis are the real cause of the unsustainable situation that prevailed in Gaza even before the Hamas attack (Al Jazeera)

  • One notes that the official and popular Swedish position on the situation in Palestine is no longer the same. Has the perception of the Palestinian cause really changed today?

Pro-Israel lobbyists have recently had great success in characterizing criticism of Israel's policies as anti-Semitic, which has had a significant impact on public opinion.

Pro-Israel lobbyists have recently had great success in characterizing criticism of Israel's policies as anti-Semitic, which has had a significant impact on public opinion.

For example, they succeeded in forcing the inclusion of the phrase "crushing Zionism" as anti-Semitism. I also strongly reject attempts to stop Swedish aid to Palestine and withdraw recognition of the State of Palestine, which some parties are demanding to participate in the current government.

A large percentage of Swedes question the claim that Israel is a democratic state, given the reality of the occupation and the ongoing oppression of Palestinians. Personally, I consider Israel an apartheid state.

  • There are those who see Israel as a modern and democratic state, do you agree with that?

As far as I know, there is no poll on this issue, but it is clear that a large percentage of Swedes question the claim that Israel is a democratic state, given the reality of the occupation and the ongoing oppression of Palestinians. Personally, I consider Israel an apartheid state.

Germany and some former Eastern European countries are staunchly pro-Israel, while countries such as Ireland and Spain are more neutral. Sweden used to be included in the latter group, but unfortunately this is no longer the case.

  • Is European sympathy for Israel inclusive at the official and popular levels, or is it confined to specific political currents?

It varies greatly between different European countries. Germany and some former Eastern European countries are staunchly pro-Israel, while countries such as Ireland and Spain are more neutral. Sweden used to be included in the latter group, but unfortunately this is no longer the case.

The Israelis are the real cause of the unsustainable situation that prevailed in Gaza even before the Hamas attack.

  • How do you, as a person, view what Israel is doing today in the Gaza Strip in terms of aerial bombardment and mass destruction?

It is absolutely unacceptable. The Israelis are the real cause of the unsustainable situation that prevailed in Gaza even before the Hamas attack.

I hope that sooner or later the United States and the rest of the world will tire of endless conflicts and force Israel to impose majority rule in all of Mandate Palestine. But there is a long road to travel.

  • As a follower of the Palestinian cause, what is your medium- and long-term vision of the repercussions of the events in Gaza on the Palestinian cause in general?

I can only hope that sooner or later the United States and the rest of the world will tire of endless conflicts and force Israel to impose majority rule in all of Mandatory Palestine. But there is a long road to travel. However, it is likely that current events will force some form of change in Gaza.