On the night of October 29, an attempt by the Kiev regime to carry out a terrorist attack by an aircraft-type UAV on objects on the territory of Russia was thwarted. This was reported by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

"Air defense systems on duty destroyed 36 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles over the Black Sea and the northwestern part of the Crimean peninsula," the report says.

The day before, also at night, the air defense forces on duty intercepted four Ukrainian drones over the territory of the Oryol region and two more over the Tula region.

Destruction of Ukrainian drones

During briefings, the Russian Ministry of Defense regularly reports on the destruction of enemy UAVs. So, on October 27, the official representative of the department, Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov, said that from October 21 to October 27, the Russian Armed Forces launched 19 group strikes with high-precision weapons and drones on enemy arsenals with artillery ammunition, military airfield infrastructure, as well as fuel and lubricant bases. In addition, storage sites for unmanned boats were hit.

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The Defense Ministry also noted that from October 21 to 27, Russian air defense systems destroyed 208 enemy drones.

At the same time, on October 28, the Ministry of Defense reported that since the beginning of the special operation, Russian forces have destroyed more than 8.3 thousand Ukrainian UAVs.

Kursk Nuclear Power Plant

This week, Ukrainian armed formations attempted to attack the Kursk nuclear power plant. According to the Russian Foreign Ministry's commentary, on the evening of October 26, three Ukrainian drones purposefully attacked the station.

It was noted that one of the UAVs, stuffed with explosives, crashed into a nuclear waste warehouse, damaging its walls. Two others fell on the complex of administrative buildings of the station. According to preliminary data, the drones used components supplied by Western countries.

"What happened proves that there are no restrictions for the criminal Kiev regime, up to and including the commission of acts of nuclear terrorism. They could not but realize that the consequence of the UAV raid could be a full-scale nuclear disaster that would affect the territories of many countries. Initially, no other tasks were set during the attack on the nuclear power plant, a purely peaceful infrastructure facility," Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said.

She stressed that the Kiev regime put itself on a par with the most odious terrorist organizations by bombing the Kursk nuclear power plant.

"We call on all governments to strongly condemn Kiev's barbaric actions, which are extremely dangerous and can lead to irreparable consequences. Relevant international organizations, environmental NGOs and civil society should also give an appropriate assessment of this act of terrorism," she said in a statement.

On the evening of October 28, the International Atomic Energy Agency reported that it was aware of an incident with an attack by Ukrainian drones on the Kursk nuclear power plant, as a result of which minor damage was caused to the façade of the building where spent nuclear fuel is stored.

"It is reported that there are no casualties, and the radiation level at the Kursk NPP site does not exceed the established norms," the report says.

At the same time, the agency's director general, Rafael Grossi, noted that these events demonstrate that the situation with nuclear safety "remains potentially dangerous, and not only at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant." According to him, the IAEA will continue to do everything in its power to prevent a nuclear accident during a military conflict.

Earlier, Rosenergoatom noted that the attack by Ukrainian drones did not affect the operation of the Kursk nuclear power plant, the station is operating normally.