, Sanya, October 10 (Zhang Yuehe Fu Yuqun) "Pingtung and Hainan have a deep relationship, and many Taiwanese businessmen who have invested in Hainan are from Pingtung. Qin Shaoxiang, secretary general of the Cultural Exchange Association of Pingtung County, Taiwan, said in an interview on the 29th that he has organized many Taiwan exchange groups to visit and investigate, in his opinion, only on-site visits can feel the local characteristics of Hainan and understand the future development prospects of Hainan.

On October 10, a group photo was taken by a non-governmental delegation from Pingtung in Taiwan, Sanya, Hainan. Photo by Zhang Yuehe

On October 10, a delegation of 23 people from Pingtung in Taiwan visited Hainan. During the seven-day trip, the delegation visited key parks, beautiful villages and Taiwan-funded enterprises in the Hainan Free Trade Port to promote cultural exchanges and industrial cooperation between Hainan and Taiwan.

Hainan and Taiwan are both islands, with similar geographical proximity and similar climate, as well as similarities in cultural customs. Liao Kunzhu, the mayor of Pingtung City, is one of the admirers of Mazu, and this time he visited Hainan for the first time to visit the Tianhou Temple in Haikou Qilou Old Street, and found that the Mazu cultural atmosphere in Hainan is also very strong.

Liao Kunzhu said that over the years, he has frequently traveled to many places on the mainland and made many friends. During this trip, he found that the two islands of Qiongtai have many contents worthy of mutual exchange and learning in terms of cultural exchanges, rural development, and grassroots governance, such as the experience of Haikou Shicha Village in developing the characteristic dendrobium industry according to local conditions, which is worthy of Taiwan's reference.

On October 10, a non-governmental exchange group from Pingtung in Taiwan visited the Volcanic Dendrobium Garden in Shicha Village, Haikou. Photo by Fu Yuqun

During the visit, the members of the exchange group said that this trip allowed everyone to further understand Hainan and Hainan, and the development of various industries in Hainan was quite inspiring, and they hoped that more exchanges and cooperation between Qiongtai and Taiwan could be carried out in the future.

Yang Xin, a member of the exchange group, came to Hainan for the first time, and Hainan was also her first stop on her visit to the mainland. "The scenery of Hainan, especially Sanya, is so beautiful, the tourist attractions here are well-equipped, there are many check-in points, and I tasted Wenchang chicken, Qingbuliang and other special foods, which are different from Taiwan." Yang Xin said that in the future, if there is a chance, he will come to Hainan to walk the streets and alleys, visit the vegetable market, and feel the local fireworks.

Lin Weicheng, vice chairman of Taiwan's Pingtung City Citizens' Representative Association, has visited Hainan many times, and "revisiting the old place" has allowed him to see the different development aspects of Hainan, "The development speed of these parks in the Boao Lecheng International Medical Tourism Pilot Zone and Lingshui Li'an International Education Innovation Pilot Zone is enough to show the development vitality of the Hainan Free Trade Port." ”

On October 10th, a non-governmental exchange group from Pingtung area of Taiwan visited the Village Chronicle Museum of Shicha Village in Haikou. Photo by Fu Yuqun

Since the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port, the fields of exchanges between Qiongtai and Taiwan have tended to diversify, and many achievements have been made in economic, trade and cultural exchanges. In recent years, Hainan has successively introduced a series of measures such as "30 Measures for Hainan to Benefit Taiwan" and "15 Measures for Agriculture and Forestry in Hainan" to support the development of Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan enterprises in Hainan. According to statistics, since April 2018, 4, nearly 13 new Taiwan-funded enterprises have been added in Hainan Province.

"Taiwan has technology and industry, and Hainan has capital and policies, and the two will work together to create better development prospects." Qin Shao said in detail that in the future, Qiongtai and Taiwan will continue to seek cooperation opportunities in agriculture, forestry, fishery and other fields. It is hoped that Taiwanese businessmen in Hainan will guide more Taiwanese youth, especially college students, to come to Hainan for internship and work, so that Taiwanese young people can have an in-depth understanding of the construction of Hainan Free Trade Port. (ENDS)