Hefei, October 10 (Zhao Qiang, Yang Panpan) From October 29th to 10th, the "27 Huainan Cultural Heritage Tour of Cross-Strait Compatriots" hosted by the Taiwan Affairs Office of Huainan City, Anhui Province was held in Huainan City, and nearly 29 Taiwan compatriots walked into Huainan to taste the charm of Chu style and Han Yun and feel the charm of Huainan culture.

According to reports, the purpose of this activity is to promote traditional Chinese culture, strengthen the family and friendship of compatriots on both sides of the strait, enhance the identity of Taiwan compatriots with Chinese culture, and use intangible cultural heritage as a medium to let Taiwan compatriots appreciate the charm of Huainan history and culture through on-site visits and on-site experiences, and jointly inherit and carry forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

Taiwan compatriots experience tofu making skills Photo by Yang Panpan

Visit the Huainan City Land and Space Planning Exhibition Hall, Bagongshan National Geopark, Anhui Chu Culture Museum, Shou County Ancient City... During the event, Taiwan compatriots experienced the natural beauty and cultural heritage of Huainan on the spot. In Anhui Xudong Food Technology Co., Ltd., everyone watched the production process of modern beef soup industry on the spot; In the China Tofu Theme Cultural Park, they experienced the traditional tofu production process and tasted Huainan special food on the spot.

Taiwan compatriots walked into the Anhui Chu Culture Museum Photo by Yang Panpan

During the visit, the Taiwan compatriots were shocked by the natural scenery and history and culture of Huainan, and frequently praised the intangible cultural heritage of Huainan. They said that Huainan not only has beautiful scenery and unique food, but also has a profound historical and cultural heritage, and will share what they have seen and heard in Huainan with their relatives and friends around them to help them better understand Huainan and Anhui. (ENDS)