The Palestinian Red Crescent said on Sunday that it had received "strongly worded" threats from the occupation authorities to evacuate Al-Quds Hospital in the Gaza Strip immediately, amid repeated warnings to hospitals in the Gaza Strip and targeting medical centers.

According to the Red Crescent, since the early hours of the morning, the vicinity of Al-Quds Hospital has been witnessing continuous Israeli raids, which have led to the destruction of nearby buildings within a range of 50 meters.

Israeli shelling on Saturday targeted the vicinity of the Indonesian hospital in the Strip, which is the largest medical center in northern Gaza, damaging parts of the hospital.

The occupation also bombed yesterday the vicinity of Al-Shifa Hospital – the largest in Gaza Governorate – and asked to evacuate it following several threats to bomb it directly in the past days, after Israel claimed that the central leadership of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) is located below the hospital, which Hamas denied and considered a prelude to a "new massacre."

The occupation authorities issued a threat to evacuate on October 15 to the Kuwaiti hospital in the center of Rafah, which was rejected by the hospital administration.

The occupation committed a massacre at the Baptist Hospital when it targeted it on October 17, resulting in the death of more than 470 Palestinians, most of whom sought refuge in the hospital for fear of indiscriminate shelling, or after the destruction of their homes.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health recently announced that 12 hospitals and 32 primary care centers were out of service in Gaza due to direct Israeli targeting, or unable to continue operating due to running out of fuel.