Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi considered America's demand for Tehran and its allies not to act and expand the war fronts in the Gaza Strip invalid, because Washington at the same time provides broad support to Tel Aviv.

In an exclusive interview with Al Jazeera, Raisi questioned the reasons that push Washington and Western capitals to "support the Zionist entity."

He added that the United States sent messages to the axis of resistance and "got a practical and public answer on the ground," referring to the missile strikes targeting US bases in Syria and Iraq and the clashes that have erupted between Lebanese Hezbollah and the Israeli occupation army since the start of the Israeli war on the Gaza Strip.

Raisi said the United States' calculations in the region are completely wrong, and pointed out that it will not achieve its goals in a new Middle East.

He stressed that Israel and American support have no ability to root out the Palestinian resistance, and said that Tel Aviv has not achieved any real achievement after the "Al-Aqsa Flood" operation carried out by the Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas).

The Iranian president pointed out that Israel failed after the recent resistance operation in the Gaza Strip "a strategic failure," stressing that the crimes of the occupation cross all red lines humanly and militarily, in his description of the ongoing Israeli aggression in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Regarding the demands for a ceasefire, he stressed that Iran supports with all Arab, Islamic and other countries of the world an immediate ceasefire.

Raisi said that America and some European countries are obstructing the ceasefire in Gaza, considering their position a crime, especially after the United Nations General Assembly voted overwhelmingly in favor of an immediate, lasting and sustainable humanitarian truce leading to the cessation of hostilities and the immediate entry of aid into Gaza.