Lebanese Hezbollah and the Israeli occupation army exchanged shelling on Sunday, and each announced striking military sites of the other, amid Western warnings of the expansion of the conflict regionally.

Hezbollah said it targeted a communications tower at the Israeli military site of Baraka Risha, off the western sector of southern Lebanon.

Hezbollah also announced that it had targeted an Israeli infantry force at the al-Malikiyah site, inflicting "confirmed casualties."

A statement by the party said that "the resistance targeted with appropriate weapons the Israeli site of Al-Samaqa in the occupied Lebanese Shebaa Farms."

Hezbollah also said it bombed the Israeli military site of Miskaf Aam with appropriate weapons and destroyed part of its technical equipment.

In the opposite camp, the IDF announced the interception of two rockets fired from Lebanon towards the Safed area of the Upper Galilee, and reported that a third landed in an open area.

The Al Jazeera correspondent reported that Israeli artillery responded to the source of the rocket fire in southern Lebanon.

The correspondent added that Israeli artillery shelling targeted the vicinity of the towns of Aitaroun, Yarin, Al-Jabain and Shehin in southern Lebanon.

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For the past three weeks, the border between Lebanon and Israel has been witnessing mutual shelling between the Israeli army on the one hand, and Hezbollah and Palestinian factions in Lebanon on the other, causing casualties on both sides.

These tensions come against the backdrop of the continued Israeli aggression on the Gaza Strip, which led to the death of more than 8,3324 Palestinians, including <>,<> children.

In the West Bank, 114 Palestinians were killed by Israeli gunfire.

The Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades – the military arm of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) – and other Palestinian resistance factions launched on the seventh of October, the Al-Aqsa Flood operation against the Israeli occupation, and has so far killed more than 1400,<> Israelis.

The Palestinian resistance also captured more than 200 Israelis and announced that it wanted to exchange them for more than 6,<> Palestinian prisoners in Israeli prisons.