Cities are more youth-friendly Young people are more productive in cities

Youth breeds infinite hope, and youth creates a better tomorrow.

General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out that "the prosperity of young people leads to the prosperity of the country, and China's development depends on the courage and responsibility of the majority of young people." "A city is the center of a region's economic, political, cultural, social and other activities, and is an important carrier of modernization. The core of the city is people, and it is necessary to adhere to the people-centered development philosophy and adhere to the people's city for the people, which is the core essence of the people-centered new urbanization strategy. According to the data of the seventh national population census, the urbanization rate of China's young permanent population reached 71.1%, which was 7.2 percentage points higher than the urbanization rate of the overall permanent population. Cities have become the areas with the largest concentration of young populations and the most active development, and they are also important areas for doing a good job in the party's youth work.

In April 2022, 4 ministries and commissions, including the Propaganda Department of the CPC Central Committee, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, jointly issued the "Opinions on Carrying out Pilot Cities for Youth Development Cities" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"), clearly putting forward the urban development concept of "cities are more youth-friendly and young people are more promising in cities", and initially built a "7+5" policy framework for youth development cities.

Over the past year, all regions and departments have attached great importance to the construction of youth development cities, the working mechanism has been consolidated and optimized, landmark policies have been continuously introduced, the Communist Youth League organizations have taken active actions, relevant departments have coordinated and cooperated, and the social atmosphere has become increasingly strong.

The party and government attach great importance to the establishment and improvement of the work pattern of the construction of youth development-oriented cities

The leadership of the Party is the fundamental guarantee for building a youth development city and promoting the high-quality development of young people.

In a collective conversation with the Secretariat of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that "Party committees (Party groups) at all levels should adhere to the principle of Party management of youth work" and "establish and improve the work pattern of all departments under the leadership of the Party to jointly manage the cause of youth development", which pointed out the fundamental direction and provided fundamental guidance for the construction of youth development-oriented cities. Since the launch of the pilot, party committees and governments at all levels have thoroughly implemented General Secretary Xi Jinping's important ideas on youth work, and have always grasped the construction of youth development cities with practical results.

Provincial party committees and governments pay full attention to and promote from a high position. Four provinces of Hebei, Zhejiang, Sichuan and Guizhou proposed to build youth development provinces, five provinces of Hebei, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Shandong and Sichuan have promoted the construction of youth development cities, 4 provinces have written into the party congress, party committee plenary session or government work report, 5 provinces have expanded and carried out provincial pilot projects in combination with the actual situation, and youth development cities have taken root and blossomed in more and more provinces.

The party committees and governments of the pilot cities attach great importance to it and continue to deepen it. The 45 pilot cities have all formulated plans in the name of the party committee or government, of which 12 cities have set up special sections for youth development in the "33th Five-Year Plan", 41 cities have prepared special plans for youth development in their regions, 29 cities have written into the party congress, party committee plenary session or government work report, 28 city party and government leaders have taken the lead in convening work deployment promotion meetings, and <> city party and government leaders have published signed articles around the construction of youth development cities. Vigorously promote important work projects.

"Only by winning young people can we win the future, and only by shaping young people can we shape the future", "Hangzhou should unite and lead the majority of young people to take the responsibility of 'making the tide to stand on the waves', forge ahead in the new era and build a new paradise", Liu Jie, deputy secretary of the Zhejiang Provincial Party Committee and secretary of the Hangzhou Municipal Party Committee, published a signed article in the "China Youth Daily", which showed the internal motivation of the party committee and government to attach great importance to the construction of youth development cities, and also demonstrated the important value of youth for urban development.

Under the strong leadership of party committees and governments at all levels, the working mechanism for the construction of youth development-oriented cities has been established and improved, and the coordination and cooperation of various departments have been deepened day by day. In terms of organization and leadership, 18 cities have established pilot work leading groups headed by party and government leaders to strengthen overall planning and coordination at the level of party committees and governments. In terms of the division of responsibilities, all 45 cities have carried out detailed decomposition of pilot tasks in light of actual conditions, and established and improved work accounts. In terms of supervision and assessment, 11 cities included the pilot work in the scope of performance appraisal or supervision and inspection at the same level to further consolidate work responsibilities. In terms of support and support, 10 cities have arranged special funds for pilot work, and some cities have set up special working institutions and increased staffing. "A sound and effective mechanism is the most powerful guarantee, and it is also the most sufficient confidence for us to promote our work!" Pei Yinglei, secretary of the Guiyang Municipal Party Committee of the Youth League, said.

Driven by the pilot cities, more and more non-pilot cities are taking the initiative to carry out the construction of youth development cities. At present, more than 200 urban party committees and governments across the country have proposed to build youth development cities, accounting for more than 60% of the total number of prefectures and cities in the country. 127 prefectures and cities, 581 counties and districts in the government work report specifically deployed the construction of youth development cities (counties), many non-pilot areas boldly tried and ventured, and the relevant work was at the forefront of the country. Some regions have actively explored major national and regional strategies such as the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta, and the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, so as to further enhance the systematic and synergistic nature of promoting youth development and helping economic and social development.

"Over the past year since the pilot project was launched, under the leadership of party committees and governments at all levels in Hebei, our working mechanism has become more and more sound, our work effectiveness has become stronger and stronger, and our work enthusiasm has become more and more energetic. Li Yongqin, director of the Office of the Hebei Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Youth League, said.

The city is more friendly: strive to solve the worries of young people

"In my mind, the youth development city must first solve the practical problems we face, such as employment, housing, education... It's a lot of pressure. Wang Li (pseudonym), a young man who had just graduated from university and came to Xi'an to work hard, sighed.

To build a youth development city, in the final analysis, it is necessary to give young people a sense of gain, happiness and security, so that young people can work hard with more peace of mind and stretch. Since the launch of the pilot project, cities have focused on optimizing the planning, education, employment, living, living, healthy and safe environment for youth development, helping young people solve urgent and difficult problems, and better meeting the diversified and multi-level development needs of young people.

In terms of optimizing the planning environment, cities will promote the high-quality development of youth into their urban development strategies, reflect youth elements in the process of urban planning, construction and management, and create a city business card with youth characteristics. In the name of the municipal government, Shijiazhuang in Hebei Province issued the "Youth-Friendly City Development Plan" and formulated specific guidelines for the implementation of the plan. Sichuan has promoted cities and prefectures to use the city's "Golden Horn and Silver Edge" to build youth sports (fitness) venues, including 109 community sports corners in Chengdu and 212 new greenway fitness spaces.

In terms of optimizing the educational environment, cities will make overall plans for the construction and management of education at all stages of primary and secondary schools, promote continuing education and lifelong learning for young people, thoroughly implement the requirements of the "double reduction" policy, and provide a fairer and higher-quality educational environment for young people and their children. Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, has introduced 25 measures to ensure the schooling of the children of migrant workers, and 98.7% of the children of migrants are enrolled in public schools or through government-purchased places. Nantong, Jiangsu Province explores the "four 4%" inclusive education guarantee mechanisms, and guides the group-based school-running from "a few dominances" to "multi-point flowering".

In terms of optimizing the employment environment, cities have always given top priority to youth employment, and have promoted the introduction of a series of measures to stabilize jobs and employment, so as to build a stage for young people to make contributions and display their talents. Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, has promoted the participation of non-Shenzhen household registration flexibly employed persons in medical insurance, piloted the establishment of a rapid mediation mechanism for flexible employment disputes, and continuously optimized the flexible employment environment for young people. Changchun, Jilin Province continues to implement the "One Million College Students Retention Project", and has introduced 53 policies to further promote employment and 20 policies to attract college graduates to work and start businesses for a long time, so as to develop jobs and build an employment and entrepreneurship service platform through multiple channels.

In terms of optimizing the living environment, cities have adhered to the positioning of "housing for living, not speculation", accelerated the improvement of the multi-subject housing security system, and worked hard to alleviate the worries of young people. Shandong has implemented the "Youth Preferential Housing Plan" in the province, and has targeted to solve the practical needs of young people at different stages such as housing, renting and buying houses through specific projects such as "Youth Preferential Station", "Youth Preferential Residence" and "Youth Preferential Purchase". Changsha, Hunan Province continued to promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market, and the house-price-to-income ratio remained below 7, effectively reducing the pressure on youth housing. Shenzhen, Guangdong Province has explored the large-scale youth rental community transformation of urban villages to provide a more suitable living environment for young people.

In terms of optimizing the living environment, cities have focused on the outstanding and urgent needs of young people in terms of marriage and childcare, childcare, and elderly care, and introduced inclusive support policies in light of actual conditions, so that young people can truly feel a friendly development environment. Guiyang, Guizhou Province has built a comprehensive service platform for "youth cards" to provide "one-stop" policy guarantee for young people. Longyan, Fujian Province has formulated an implementation plan for the construction of a childbirth-friendly city, and clearly gives preferential treatment to young couples who have children in accordance with the law. Karamay, Xinjiang, and Handan, Hebei Province, have strengthened infant and child care services for children under the age of 3, so that young parents can "feel at ease and trust with peace of mind".

In terms of optimizing the health environment, cities are actively building sports parks and fitness venues that meet the characteristics and needs of young people, promote the opening of public sports facilities to young people free of charge or at low fees, and strive to do a good job in mental health education and services for young people. Zhejiang has built embedded sports facilities throughout the province, efficiently used land resources such as school parks, community villages, and space under bridges, and flexibly laid out fitness facilities with close distance and high participation of young people. Henan will include the action of bringing adolescent mental health services into villages (communities) in the province's top ten key livelihood matters in 2023, and clearly organize no less than 3000,<> youth mental health services into villages (communities) throughout the year.

In terms of optimizing the safety environment, all regions have conscientiously implemented laws and regulations related to juveniles, relying on platforms such as the 12355 Youth Service Desk to build a team of juvenile social workers, taking multiple measures to prevent juvenile crime, and extensively carrying out safety and self-protection education, so as to create a positive environment for the healthy growth of juveniles. Thirty-one provinces have promulgated local regulations related to the protection of minors, and 31 provinces have promulgated local regulations related to the prevention of juvenile delinquency. Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, has formulated a special action plan for the high-quality development of the protection of minors, and continues to carry out 16 care projects. Baoji, Shaanxi Province, and Dongguan, Guangdong Province, have included the 12355 construction in the municipal youth livelihood projects, and provided human, material and financial resources in a systematic manner.

"In our research, we found that contemporary youth development does face some practical pressures. To build a youth development city, it is necessary to enhance the empathy of 'hot pot ants' and the empathy of 'salt-free and light', and pull and help young people at the key points and when they are critical, so that they can truly feel that the party's care is around them and care is in front of them. Wei Leijun, Minister of the Rights and Interests Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Youth League, said.

Young people are more promising: actively stand up for the high-quality development of the city

"How is it possible to 'lie flat'? How can you wait for pie to fall from the sky? In fact, sometimes it's just self-mockery. In response to Internet hot words such as "lying flat" and "Buddhism", Tan Wei (pseudonym), a young man from Shaoyang, Hunan Province, said, "Only when we young people are willing to struggle and move forward, the future of the country will be brighter, and our own future will be better." ”

The reason why youth development cities highlight "development" is not only to highlight the growth and development of young people themselves, but also to emphasize the mobilization of young people to devote themselves to the development of the cause of the party and the country. The distinctive spirit of struggle and the orientation of "promising" are the greatest advantages of the construction of a youth development-oriented city, and the fundamental reason why the party and government attach importance to it and the society pays attention to it.

In terms of leading the trend of urban civilization, cities support young people to carry forward and practice the core values of socialism, participate in volunteer services in a systematic and regular manner, and take the lead in helping the construction of urban civilization. Nanchang, Jiangxi Province organized a series of activities of "Red Gene Transmission from Generation to Generation-Red Jinggang Tour" to organize young people in various fields to review red history and infiltrate red culture. Guizhou Qianxi vigorously excavates the "refueling" culture, and stimulates the mental state of young people by inheriting the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

In terms of devoting themselves to the upsurge of innovation and entrepreneurship, cities have actively improved the discovery and training, evaluation and use, flow allocation, and incentive and guarantee mechanisms for young talents, and strived to create an environment for youth innovation and entrepreneurship in the near and far future. Guangzhou, Guangdong Province focuses on stimulating the vitality of youth innovation and entrepreneurship, and takes the lead in promulgating the "Guangzhou Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Promotion Regulations" in the country; Shenzhen continues to promote the special action of internship for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan college students, and provides one-stop services for young people from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan who come to Shenzhen for employment and entrepreneurship. Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province has held four consecutive World Young Scientist Summits, and introduced ten policy measures of "Come to Wenzhou and Create the Future", focusing on stimulating the spirit and vitality of young people.

In terms of making contributions based on their posts, cities have organized and mobilized young people to come forward in urgent, difficult, and dangerous tasks through project carriers such as "Youth Commando" and "Youth Civilization", so as to contribute to urban development. Ningxia Yinchuan has organized 100 youth commandos on a regular basis to actively participate in the construction of major projects and key industries in the city. Changsha, Hunan Province has carried out the "Evergreen Power" youth contribution project construction practice education action, focusing on industrial development, scientific and technological innovation and other key areas to carry out the "general battle" of youth contribution project construction, and encouraging young people to dedicate themselves and achieve life in the fiery practice.

In terms of orderly participation in social governance, cities rely on platforms such as "the Communist Youth League and people's congress deputies and CPPCC members face to face" to give play to the role of youth federations and student federations as hubs, and organize young people to participate in grassroots social governance in an orderly manner. Shanghai continues to deepen the "Youth Intelligence Group", and Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province has built a "Youth Chamber" that combines online and offline to organize young people to make suggestions and suggestions for urban development. Relying on platforms such as "face-to-face", Shanxi Jincheng has extensively carried out suggestions collection activities such as "My Jincheng My Suggestions" to gather more young wisdom for the high-quality development of the city.

In terms of promoting the improvement of the quality of life, cities are actively developing consumption patterns and business formats that are popular with young people, and giving full play to the unique role of young people in boosting consumption and urban quality of life. Guizhou will build "youth development blocks" in all counties and districts in the province and include them in the 2023 provincial youth practical projects, and vigorously develop the consumption format with a strong youthful atmosphere. Shenyang, Liaoning Province has released 500 youth-friendly scenes and designed 10 search and check-in routes, and Haikou, Hainan Province, has built 9 cultural and commercial blocks with youth characteristics to enhance the passion and vitality of young people to help urban development.

"The construction of a youth development city is by no means to let young people 'lie flat' in the policy 'greenhouse' to enjoy, but to encourage young people to win more development opportunities through hard work. As long as there is the high-quality development of young people, Chengdu's development will be more dynamic and motivated! Liu Jun, deputy secretary of the Chengdu Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Youth League, said.

Young people gather because of the city, and the city thrives because of the youth. To promote the construction of a strong country and the great cause of national rejuvenation, we must give full play to the majestic power of hundreds of millions of people and unite the youthful momentum of the vast number of young people. We firmly believe that under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, and with the strong support of all regions, departments and all sectors of society, the construction of a youth development-oriented city will definitely go deeper and achieve practical results, and the majority of young people will be able to achieve higher-quality development and work hard and take responsibility in the Chinese-style modernization!

China Youth Daily, China Youth Network reporter around the source: China Youth Daily