The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has asked this Sunday "the constitutionalist left" to join those who demand the call for new elections so that it is Spaniards who decide on the amnesty and not only "those whose salaries depend on Pedro Sánchez". Feijóo considers it "cowardice" to submit this debate exclusively "to the applause of those you have named". "Let those of us who do not depend on Sánchez's will speak at the ballot box," he insisted.

"This constitutionalist left that no longer knows her or the mother who gave birth to her, this constitutionalist left that is about to be eliminated from the face of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party must join us in telling Sánchez that, if he wants to talk about amnesty, he should call the polls and we will vote again," he said. he added.

The PP has made a stop today in Malaga, where one of its most important niches of popular vote is located, as part of its tour throughout the country to ask Spaniards to raise their voices against this "chronicle of indignity" that has become, in their opinion, the negotiation of the investiture of Pedro Sánchez; with the confidence that, sooner or later, the vote will be held again: "in January or soon". Feijóo considers that, even if Sánchez manages to form a government, his mandate is already "resigned", because "he does not have a majority nor is he progressive". His investiture, therefore, he said, "will have no future".

In an event held outdoors in a crowded Plaza de la Constitución, flanked by two huge flags of Spain and Andalusia, Feijóo called on Andalusians to defend "a Spain of free and equal citizens", and to do so by taking the message "to every town, to every street, to every home".

He also asked the socialists "to go straight ahead, like the pro-independence supporters, who neither simulate nor hide what they are asking for". "At least they don't lie." And he has expressly appealed to the conscience of those within the PSOE and, specifically, the Andalusian PSOE, who are against the drift of Pedro Sánchez, because, otherwise, "they will be accomplices of those who remain silent and those who applaud", in reference to those who participated on Saturday in the Steering Committee of the PSOE, including the secretary general of the Andalusian socialists, Juan Espadas.

Feijóo has considered it a trap to talk about amnesty as a way to achieve reconciliation. "Amnesty arises from reconciliation, it does not generate reconciliation," because "asking for forgiveness" from those who are willing to break the law again is a "democratic setback."

"Betrayal of 4D and 28F"

Previously, the president of the Junta, Juanma Moreno, had pointed out that the amnesty law is "a betrayal" of what the 4D and 28 February mean in the history of Andalusian autonomy, and has ventured that Andalusia will once again be a "containment dike" against the rupture of the principle of equality and solidarity between communities "as it was in the past". "Where is Andalusian socialism, that PSOE that in the past was hegemonic in Andalusia?" asked Juanma Moreno, who said he felt "ashamed" when he saw the leader of the PSOE-A "stand up" on television to applaud Pedro Sánchez at the moment when he defended amnesty for those accused in the procés. "Andalusia doesn't swallow because of that", "it won't swallow because there are some Spaniards superior to others, because there are some territories superior to others". "Andalusia will not be the one to pay for the ballot for the Moncloa chair for Pedro Sánchez," he added.

  • PSOE
  • Pedro Sanchez
  • Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla
  • PP
  • Juan Espadas
  • Alberto Núñez Feijóo
  • Malaga
  • Amnesty