The Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, led by José Luis Escrivá, summoned this Sunday the mayors of the main cities and regional councilors to address next Tuesday "the situation of arrivals at the expense of migrants" for weeks to the Canary Islands, especially to the island of El Hierro.

The Government's communication to the territories and consistories took place this Sunday, after criticism increased during the last week by the Popular Party, which demanded the holding of a sectoral meeting due to the lack of information, both on the situation of arrivals to the Canary archipelago and the distribution by autonomies to manage the reception.

These claims were rejected for days by the government and several ministries, while the main opposition party was accused of being "irresponsible and unsupportive".

However, the Executive changed its position on Sunday and sent a communication to the autonomous regions, the main mayors and the heads of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP). In this notification, to which this newspaper has had access, the Ministry of Inclusion summons these political actors to a videoconference with Minister Escrivá next Tuesday at 17:00 p.m.