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The second vice-president of the acting government and leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz, called on Sunday for Israel to purge its legal responsibilities for the "war crimes" it is committing in Gaza and demanded an immediate ceasefire.

Yolanda Díaz, who participated in a demonstration in Madrid called by Palestinian organisations, collectives and NGOs against Israel's "genocide" in Palestine, considered that the acting president of the Spanish government, Pedro Sánchez, "defends the same as 120 other countries of the United Nations, we all ask for a ceasefire".

"We are talking about war crimes and I have been calling for days to be held accountable. The history of Gaza is written," warned the vice-president, who called for an end to "double standards" because international law is the same for everyone and "today, Israel is committing war crimes.

The acting Minister of Social Rights and secretary general of Podemos, Ione Belarra, who also attended the demonstration, believes that European leaders, including the Spanish one, "are not up to the gravity of the circumstances" and insisted that Europe has to act now because "it is going to pay dearly for this hypocrisy of proclaiming human rights all over the world and, when you have to show your face, do nothing."

Belarra, who has called for diplomatic relations to be severed with Israel and for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to be brought before the International Criminal Court to be tried "for what he is, a war criminal", has also said that Spanish foreign policy must be agreed between the government's partners since now, He said, "the PSOE is carrying out the unilateral position that they consider only".

The spokesperson for Más Madrid in the capital's City Council, Rita Maestre, also present at the mobilisation, insisted that in Gaza "a genocide announced for a long time" is being confirmed under the complicit gaze of many people and countries and in the face of which society cannot remain silent.

The spokesperson for Más Madrid in the regional Assembly, Mónica García, has also spoken of "programmed genocide", who has considered Europe's response to what is happening in Gaza to be insufficient, where, she said, war crimes are being committed. And he said that he misses the Spanish right in demonstrations like this, "which is never on the good side of history".

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