Washington, October 10 (China News Service) -- At the end of Wang Yi's visit to the United States by invitation of Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Chinese officials told the media in Washington on October 29 that the visit will focus on the main line of "returning to Bali" and "leading to San Francisco", urging the United States to move in the same direction and bringing Sino-US relations back to the right track of healthy, stable and sustainable development as soon as possible.

According to Chinese officials, during his visit to the United States, Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with U.S. President Joe Biden, held two rounds of talks with U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, had strategic communication with U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, and held discussions with people from all walks of life in the U.S. strategic and business circles. The visit had a tight agenda and was rich in content. Foreign Minister Wang Yi had a nearly 15-hour interaction with the US side – most of which was simultaneous interpretation – to have in-depth exchanges on a wide range of issues such as bilateral relations and international and regional affairs, and to listen to the views and suggestions of the US side from all walks of life, fully demonstrating the importance of China-US relations and the strategic nature that transcends the bilateral scope. Global media attention has been paid to it in real time, and it is generally believed that this visit is a good start to a possible meeting between the two heads of state. China-US relations are expected to stop falling and stabilize, bringing positive expectations and injecting stability and positive energy into a volatile world.

According to reports, the US side attaches great importance to the realization of face-to-face interaction between heads of state, and in addition to inviting President Xi Jinping to attend the APEC leaders' informal meeting, it also specially invited President Xi Jinping to hold an official meeting with President Biden. The US side showed a positive posture during the talks, saying that US-China relations are the most important set of bilateral relations in the world today, and achieving stability and improvement is beneficial to both sides and the world. The U.S. side is happy to see China's success, and the U.S. and China need to work together to address global challenges, believing that competition is not the whole story of the U.S.-China relationship, and that both sides should responsibly manage competition. On the Taiwan issue, he said that the United States has not changed its one-China policy and reiterated that it does not support "Taiwan independence."

According to reports, the Chinese side stressed to the US side that the US side should work with the Chinese side in the same direction, strengthen the management of the whole process, create conditions for a possible meeting between the two heads of state, eliminate interference, accumulate results, and create an atmosphere. At the same time, in response to the words and deeds of the US side that infringe on and harm China's interests, the Chinese side has comprehensively expounded its solemn position and drawn a long list for the US side, demanding that it not interfere in China's internal affairs, respect China's legitimate rights and interests, and correct its wrong practices. Of course, the Chinese side also said that as long as the two sides respect each other, take a constructive and forward-looking spirit, and correctly view the handling of differences and contradictions, the list of cooperation between the two sides can be longer.

In fact, China and the United States have recently interacted frequently at various levels, and dialogue in various fields has gradually resumed. Not long ago, the two sides held consultations on Asia-Pacific affairs, established a financial working group, and will also hold consultations on maritime affairs, arms control and non-proliferation, and foreign policy, as well as a coordination meeting on disability affairs. During the visit, the two sides agreed to further increase the number of direct passenger flights between the two countries to 70 flights per week, and positive results are already being felt.

As Foreign Minister Wang Yi pointed out to the US business community, the impetus for mutually beneficial cooperation between China and the United States is still strong, the foundation is still deep, and the space is still broad. As long as the US side keeps its promises, takes action, and works with China toward a common goal, we have reason to be cautiously optimistic that the "San Francisco" will arrive at its destination as scheduled. (ENDS)