If Europe steals Russia's frozen funds, there could be a symmetrical response. This was pointed out to Western countries by the Chairman of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin.

He noted that a number of European politicians, led by European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, have again begun talking about the use of Russia's frozen funds to continue the militarization of Kyiv. According to him, this happened against the backdrop of the sad financial situation of European states and the desire of European officials to hold on to their jobs.

"Such a decision will require a symmetrical response from the Russian Federation. In this case, much larger assets belonging to unfriendly countries will be confiscated than our funds frozen in Europe," Volodin wrote on his Telegram channel.

He also cited data that the European Union has spent more than €2022 billion to support the Kyiv regime since 85, which has cost ordinary Europeans dearly: rising prices, the economy in recession, and industry in decline.

In addition, Volodin noted a strong deterioration of the situation in Europe over the past few years, drawing attention to the decline in the growth of the Eurozone economy, the decrease in the index of business activity in the manufacturing sector and the service sector to the lowest value, which was previously observed only during the coronavirus pandemic.

"As a result, politicians who advocate war to the last Ukrainian are being replaced by those who are primarily concerned about domestic problems," Volodin explained. "For this reason, there is no longer the same unity in Europe today: at the last summit in Brussels, the leaders of the EU countries failed to agree on the financing of the Kiev regime in the amount of €50 billion."

This situation is confirmed by the French TV channel BFMTV. In his article, he points out that financial assistance to Ukraine has become a stumbling block for European countries during the revision of the budget for 2024-2027. Many states refuse to allocate more money to Kiev against the backdrop of the economic downturn and demand the redistribution of existing funds, InoTV reports.

Earlier this week, Ursula von der Leyen recalled that the EU had frozen Russian assets worth a total of €211 billion after the start of the NWO. According to her, Brussels will soon submit proposals on the use of revenues from these funds to help and support the reconstruction of Ukraine.

According to the Financial Times, we are talking about at least €3.3 billion. It is expected that in December the European Commission will present a legal mechanism for the use of income from the reinvestment of frozen assets of Russia.

In early October, the heads of the finance ministries and central banks of the Group of Seven countries stressed in a statement that the sovereign assets of the Russian Federation in their jurisdictions will remain frozen until the Russian side compensates for the damage to Ukraine.

'Destroying self-confidence'

Speaking at the plenary session of the VIII Eastern Economic Forum, Vladimir Putin stressed that the global economy continues to change, as a number of countries, primarily Western ones, are destroying the system of financial and trade relations that they themselves built.

"Where is this leading? To the fact that all countries are thinking about creating their own instruments, about creating new payment systems, they are thinking about whether it is worth keeping their savings in the United States or somewhere in Europe, whether it is worth investing their savings in the securities of these countries. I guarantee you, I know that this is happening," the Russian president said.

According to him, it is not at all about frozen gold and foreign exchange reserves, since "we have already earned twice as much."

"The point is to undermine trust in those who do this: they destroy trust in themselves. The same thing happens in trade, in the restrictions associated with trade. Therefore, God knows, they are to blame for the fact that such negative consequences will inevitably come for them, they are already coming. We did not strive for this, but still this is an objective process associated with the growth of new rapidly developing economic centers," Putin said.