"Lu Xun removed from the school library"? Secretary for Education: The relevant statement is news hype

The 28th Lu Xun Youth Literature Award ("Lu Qing Award") Hong Kong Division Award Ceremony was held at the Hong Kong Palace Museum on the 5th. According to Hong Kong media reports, in response to the words of Lui Zhigang, the founding president of the Hong Kong academic organization "Quality Library Network", quoted in May this year that some schools reported that the Hong Kong Education Bureau personnel believed that Lu Xun's books should not appear in the school library, and the Hong Kong Secretary for Education, Choi Ruolian, responded that the relevant statement was news hype, and the SAR government has been encouraging the promotion of Lu Xun's spirit.

Cai Ruolian said in her speech that Lu Xun is a giant of the country's literary circle, full of talent, brilliant writing, with words to make a deep reflection on the times, works reveal sincere patriotic sentiments, especially worthy of the younger generation to inherit and carry forward, "Lu Qing Award" named after Mr. Lu Xun, is to uphold the spirit of Mr. Lu Xun, with language and writing to inherit cultural cultivation themselves, in addition to helping to improve students' language literacy, but also to create a cultural exchange platform for young people in the mainland and Hong Kong, to increase their understanding of the culture of the motherland, Some of the works reflect that the students have a good foundation in the Chinese language, positive thoughts, a healthy mental outlook, and a love for Chinese culture. She said that under the "one country, two systems" principle, Hong Kong has the unique advantage of being backed by the motherland and connected to the world.

In fact, Lu Xun's works have been highly valued in Hong Kong society for many years. According to Li Dahong, chairman and editor-in-chief of Hong Kong's Ta Kung Wenhui Media Group, in the late 20s of the last century, Mr. Lu Xun visited Hong Kong three times, and when he delivered a speech in Hong Kong called "Silent China", he exposed and criticized the political conspiracy of the rulers at that time to suppress the new cultural trend, and called on young people to boldly voice "true voices". For Hong Kong youth, this speech is tantamount to the enlightenment education of the "May Fourth" new culture, which has caused a great shock in the Hong Kong literary circles and has given a strong impetus to the development and germination of Hong Kong's new culture.

For example, in the lesson "How Much Does the Author Know" in the "Kite" lesson "How Much Does the Author Know" in the "Chinese Language in Enlightening Life (3rd Edition)" published by the Hong Kong Enlightenment Publishing House, it is written: Lu Xun is a modern literary scholar, and he is extremely dissatisfied with the conservative and backward ideas and systems of the old society, so he attacks the evils of the times with cold and bitter strokes. In the "Author Introduction" of the lesson "Kong Yiji" selected in the "New Senior Secondary Comprehensive Chinese Chinese (Compulsory Part)" previously published by Hong Kong Pearson Education Publishing Asia Co., Ltd., it is written that Lu Xun's works are of great literary value, but he himself does not attach importance to them. Xiao Hong wrote in the article "Memories of Mr. Lu Xun": "The proofs of Mr. Lu Xun's books have come to rub the table or do something. "Lu Xun's works that have been selected and edited in Hong Kong secondary school Chinese textbooks include "Kong Yiji", "A Little Thing", "The True Story of Ah Q", "Kite", "Sadness and Death" and "Non-Attack". Poon Yiu-ming, Chairman of the Hong Kong Judging Committee and President of the Hong Kong Writers' Association, said that students in this age group are in a critical period of intellectual and ideological development, and through the Lu Xun Youth Literature Award, they have the opportunity to gain an in-depth understanding of Lu Xun's works and ideas and integrate them into their own creations. This not only fueled their passion for literature, but also cultivated their writing skills and critical thinking.

To assist schools in promoting reading, the Education Bureau of Hong Kong (EDB) has provided thematic reading suggestions for kindergartens, primary schools and secondary schools for schools' reference. Under the theme of "Chinese History and Chinese Culture", the recommended books for primary schools include "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "Water Margin", "Journey to the West" and "Hansheng Chinese Fairy Tales" published in Taiwan, and Yi Zhongtian's "The Wisdom of the Chinese" and Yu Qiuyu's "Chinese Context" for secondary schools.

In addition to Hong Kong, since the 20s of the 50th century, Lu Xun has also occupied an important position in Macao as a cultural symbol and spiritual symbol, and Lu Xun's name can be seen everywhere. Macao people like to collect Lu Xun's calligraphy to write school names, newspaper heads, and club names, such as the Macau Daily News, Hao Kong Middle School, the famous cultural society China Education Association, and even the plaques of some companies and Chinese restaurants.