United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres called for a ceasefire in Gaza, while Egypt stressed its rejection of the displacement of the residents of the Gaza Strip to neighboring countries, against the backdrop of the continuous Israeli occupation bombardment.

During a press conference in Cairo with Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, Guterres stressed that Gaza needs aid on a large scale and on a sustainable basis, noting that a ceasefire is essential for the delivery of humanitarian aid.

Guterres called for the protection of civilians and the provision of humanitarian relief to the Gaza Strip, stressing that the attack on hospitals and schools violates international law.

The Israeli occupation had bombed – on Tuesday evening – the Baptist Hospital, causing about 500 civilian martyrs, in addition to hundreds of wounded, while its sides are still groaning from the effects of the Israeli raid, where a number of families of the wounded and martyrs inspect it in search of the remaining traces of their families.

Hundreds of families had sought refuge in the hospital after bombing the homes of some of them, and others believed that it was safer than their homes, but the Israeli shelling followed them, where they were surprised by a rocket in the crowded hospital yard.

Guterres noted that no solution can be reached without a free Palestinian state alongside the state of Israel.

He called on Hamas to "release the hostages" it held on October 7 and on Israel to allow unfettered access for aid.

For his part, Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said that there is no alternative but for the parties to return to the negotiating table to activate the two-state solution.

Shoukry stressed that the liquidation of the Palestinian cause through the displacement of Gazans to neighboring countries is out of the question, and that there is no alternative but the return of the parties to the negotiating table and the establishment of a Palestinian state on the 67 borders with Jerusalem as its capital.

On the 13th day of its war on Gaza, the Israeli army continues to bombard residential areas, killing 3785,12 Palestinians and wounding more than <>,<>, the majority of them children and women.