According to the Settlement Act, all municipalities must help to strive for a proportional distribution of refugee reception in Sweden. Ulricehamn Municipality will receive a total of 25 refugees next year – six people were already decided and another 19 people have been added after the City of Gothenburg asked for help via an open letter to the municipalities.

"I understand that big cities have a harder time with housing, for example, so we smaller municipalities can help," says Wiktor Öberg (M).

Have you received any criticism regarding this?

"Fortunately, we have not received any criticism. You can see the benefits and that we can handle this in a good way," says Wiktor Öberg.

The city wants to grow

Ulricehamn Municipality is positive about receiving more refugees because the city wants to grow.

"We have 3500,<> companies in Ulricehamn and basically all of them are crying out for more labour, so we have to make sure that we get an influx of new labour.