A Lebanese man was killed and two others were wounded after being shot from the Israeli military post of al-Abbad in the vicinity of the town of Houla in southern Lebanon, while the Israeli army surrounded 9 civilians, including journalists.

Al-Jazeera correspondent quoted a Lebanese security source as saying that Israeli forces surrounded 9 civilians, including 6 Iranian journalists, near the Al-Abbad site.

The security source revealed that the Lebanese security forces, in coordination with UNIFIL forces, were able to remove the besieged from the vicinity of the Israeli site.

Since the outbreak of the Al-Aqsa flood clashes on October 7, the border between Lebanon and Israel has been witnessing clashes and mutual shelling between Hezbollah and Israeli army fighters, causing deaths and injuries on both sides of the border.

On 13 November, Reuters photographer Essam Abdullah was killed in Israeli shelling and six journalists working for Al Jazeera, AFP and other foreign agencies were wounded while covering clashes at the border.

Today, the Lebanese Hezbollah and the Israeli army exchanged rocket and artillery shelling, in a new wave of tension in parallel with the war waged by the occupation on the Gaza Strip for 13 days.

Israel continues to reinforce its forces on its northern border with Lebanon. In recent hours, more heavy war equipment, including tanks and armoured vehicles, has been brought to the border.

The Israeli military spokesman called on residents of areas adjacent to the border with Lebanon, as well as in the southern areas near Gaza, to fully abide by the emergency instructions issued by the army's home front.

Since October 7, Israel has continued to launch intensive raids on Gaza, leaving thousands of civilians dead and wounded, and cutting off the supply of water, electricity, food and medicines, prompting local and international warnings of a double humanitarian catastrophe, in parallel with intensive Israeli raids and arrests in cities and towns in the occupied West Bank.