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Jim Jordan after the caucus meeting in Washington

Photo: Jose Luis Magana / AP

The chaos among the Republicans in the US House of Representatives continues – and with it the blockade of the chamber of Congress. An interim solution sought by some MPs, which would have given acting chairman Patrick McHenry more powers until January, apparently failed for the time being in the Republican caucus.

"We've decided that this is not the way we're going to go," right-wing hardliner Jim Jordan, the nominee for speaker, said after a caucus meeting. I'm still running for Speaker, and I'm planning a plenary vote to get the votes and win this race." Previously, the media had unanimously reported that Jordan did not want to run for re-election for the time being.

In two rounds of voting on Tuesday and Wednesday, the ally of former US President Donald Trump failed due to resistance from his own ranks. He also lost support from his party between the two rounds.

Interim solution apparently failed

Because the House of Representatives is largely paralyzed without a chairman and thus cannot decide on new aid for Israel, among other things, members of parliament had been working on an interim solution. According to media reports, Jordan agreed to put his candidacy on hold for a few months.

At the same time, the acting leader of the House of Representatives, Republican McHenry, should be given expanded powers by January to be able to introduce legislative texts. This would have made the Chamber capable of acting again.

However, this project now seems to have failed. U.S. media such as CNN and the Washington Post had previously reported that Jordan supporters had spoken out against the interim solution. They therefore do not want Jordan to pause his candidacy, but to continue to seek an immediate election.

Moderate Republicans, on the other hand, want Jordan to withdraw his candidacy entirely. The congressman from the state of Ohio, who is known for his sharply right-wing positions and aggressive political style, is also highly controversial within his own ranks. Numerous Republican lawmakers have reaffirmed their intention to vote against Jordan in another round of voting – or several.

The House of Representatives has been affected for two and a half weeks: The previous Republican chairman Kevin McCarthy was deposed on October 3 in the course of a revolt by right-wing hardliners of his own party. Since then, conservatives, who have a narrow majority in the House of Representatives, have been fighting over a successor to him.

The speaker of the House of Representatives is second in succession to the US president. If President Joe Biden dies or is unable to continue in office, Vice President Kamala Harris would initially take his place. Next, the Constitution provides for the person who will act as the spokesperson or spokesperson.
