Europe 1 with AFP // Photo credit: LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP 18:34 p.m., October 19, 2023

The head of state justified the ban on pro-Palestinian demonstrations in France, ordered by Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin. According to Emmanuel Macron, a "period of decency" had to be observed because of the "terrorist attack" launched by Hamas against Israel on October 7.

Emmanuel Macron on Thursday justified the ban on pro-Palestinian demonstrations in France by the need for a "period of decency" after the massacres of Israelis by Hamas and the risk of infiltration by "ultra-radical elements". "I think there was a delay of decency, there had been a terrorist attack, it wasn't good," he said during an exchange with students on the street in Paris, witnessed by an AFP journalist.

"I think we'd rather regroup"

"I see people who want to demonstrate peacefully, but there are hyper-radical elements who will go and burn Israel's flags, defend Hamas," he added. The Council of State on Wednesday rejected the government, arguing that pro-Palestinian demonstrations could not be systematically banned and that it was up to the prefects alone to assess whether there was a risk of public disorder locally.

On October 12, five days after the bloody attack perpetrated in Israel by Hamas, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin instructed prefects to ban "pro-Palestinian demonstrations, because they are likely to generate disturbances to public order." "In all the capitals where there are demonstrations, there are very tough elements who arrive and do the worst things," the head of state added during his exchange with BTS students from Gagny (Seine-Saint-Denis).

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"Do we want to see this now? Personally, I think we want to regroup," Macron continued. "It's much more useful to do what we're doing, to have a voice that defends peace, the cessation of hostilities, the fight against terrorism, but in a targeted way and respect for the civilian population," he said. "It's much more effective than tearing yourself apart."

The French president had so far invoked Israel's "right to defend itself." He also called on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to retaliate with "targeted actions" against Hamas in Gaza and to "spare" civilians. On the other hand, he did not publicly mention a "cessation of hostilities".