The death toll from the large-scale military clashes over the Gaza Strip in Palestine has exceeded 5000,<> on both sides. While Israel is steadily preparing for a ground invasion, with Prime Minister Netanyahu and others visiting the frontline troops of the army one after another to encourage them, the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip is deteriorating day by day, and humanitarian aid from the Egyptian side is awaited.

table of contents

  • 《Israeli-Palestine Movement》

  • NEW

    More than 5100,<> dead on both sides, humanitarian trucks fail to arrive

  • "Israeli airstrikes kill more than 10, 40 injured"

  • At the Rafah checkpoint on the Egyptian border

  • The Israelites whose families are being held hostage

  • 《Reactions of Each Country》

  • WHO Director-General: "Immediate ceasefire is needed"

  • NEW

    U.S. State Department official resigns over opposition to military aid to Israel

Open Table of Contents

table of contents

table of contents

  • 《Israeli-Palestine Movement》

  • NEW

    More than 5100,<> dead on both sides, humanitarian trucks fail to arrive

  • "Israeli airstrikes kill more than 10, 40 injured"

  • At the Rafah checkpoint on the Egyptian border

  • The Israelites whose families are being held hostage

  • 《Reactions of Each Country》

  • WHO Director-General: "Immediate ceasefire is needed"

  • NEW

    U.S. State Department official resigns over opposition to military aid to Israel

《Israeli-Palestine Movement》

  • NEW

More than 5100,<> dead on both sides, humanitarian trucks fail to arrive

Heavy Israeli airstrikes on the Gaza Strip continued on the 19th, and a series of clashes since March 7 have killed at least 1400,3785 people on the Israeli side, while the death toll in the Gaza Strip has risen to 5100,19, bringing the death toll on both sides to more than 18,20.

While it is said that a ground invasion by the Israeli army is imminent, on the 18th it was confirmed that tanks and other military vehicles were gathering in Ashkelon in southern Israel, which is close to the border with the Gaza Strip.

Prime Minister Netanyahu inspected frontline troops deployed around the Gaza Strip and encouraged them, saying, "The whole people are backing you, and we will strike the enemy with the utmost blow."

"The operation will be big and difficult, but we'll make it to the end, and soon we'll see the Gaza Strip from the inside," Gallant said, hinting at the imminent ground invasion.

Amid growing concerns about the humanitarian crisis, it was agreed on the 19th that 8 trucks loaded with humanitarian aid from Egypt would enter the Gaza Strip at the urging of U.S. President Joe Biden.

However, no trucks have arrived so far, and the immediate delivery of supplies is awaited as water and food are running out and the situation is urgent.

Against this backdrop, the Islamic organization Hamas is calling for protests in various places in conjunction with the Islamic mass prayer to be held on Friday.

At least eight Palestinians have already died in clashes with Israeli forces and Jewish settlers in the Palestinian West Bank on Wednesday, raising fears that clashes will escalate from the Gaza Strip.

"Israeli airstrikes kill more than 10, 40 injured"

The Associated Press quoted doctors at the hospital as saying that an airstrike by Israeli forces killed more than 19 people and injured 10 in Khanyunis, southern Gaza, Palestine.

In addition, footage distributed by Reuters shows children and people wearing UN vests being transported to hospitals one after another by ambulance.

At the Rafah checkpoint on the Egyptian border

Regarding humanitarian assistance to the Gaza Strip, U.S. President Joe Biden agreed with Egyptian President al-Sisi on the 18th to pass 20 trucks through the Rafah checkpoint on the border with Egypt to the Gaza Strip, and the supplies are expected to be delivered as early as the 20th.

On the Egyptian side of the Rafah checkpoint, there is a long line of trucks loaded with relief supplies, and according to Reuters, aid workers are setting up tents and waiting for the checkpoint to open.

A volunteer from Ismailia in northeastern Egypt said, "I've been at the Rafah checkpoint since the fighting started, and I won't leave until I get help to Gaza."

The Israelites whose families are being held hostage

Israelis, whose families are being held hostage by the Islamic group Hamas, have mixed feelings as the possibility of a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip by Israeli forces increases, even as they appeal for their immediate release.

The Israeli military has so far said 203 hostages have been held by the Islamic group Hamas.

On the 19th, families of hostages gathered on the main street of Tel Aviv, Israel's largest commercial city, and handed out leaflets urging passersby to prioritize the release of the hostages.

Meanwhile, in the center of Tel Aviv, hundreds of volunteers gather on the floors of high-rise buildings to provide expert emotional support to hostage families and others.

In addition, by receiving photos from the hostages' families and relatives, we are developing a campaign on social media to appeal for the release of the hostages both domestically and internationally.

Ierra David, whose brother is being held hostage by Hamas, said, "I still can't believe that my brother is being held hostage, and most of all, I hope he comes back safely."

Shani Segall, whose cousin and his wife are being held hostage, said, "I hope that the Israeli military will proceed with the operation in a way that does not cost Israel or the people of the Gaza Strip."

One woman in charge of a civil society group said, "Our goal is to return the hostages to their families, and we are appealing to the government for that, and we hope that if the Israeli army invades the ground, no hostages or residents will be hurt."

《Reactions of Each Country》

WHO Director-General: "Immediate ceasefire is needed"

WHO = World Health Organization Director-General Tedros said on the 19th that an immediate ceasefire is necessary to ensure safety in order to safely deliver humanitarian aid to the residents of the Gaza Strip.

At a press conference in Geneva, Switzerland, WHO Director-General Tedros strongly condemned the explosion at a hospital in the Gaza Strip, saying that "no matter who is responsible, it cannot be tolerated" and called for medical institutions to be protected.

Regarding the delivery of relief supplies to the Gaza Strip, which is the focal point, he said, "Hospitals, generators, etc. need fuel, and our trucks are ready to load fuel and depart," and emphasized that medical supplies, fuel, etc. can be delivered as soon as the Rafah checkpoint on the border with Egypt is opened, and called for the early opening of the checkpoint.

On the other hand, he stated that in order to safely deliver humanitarian aid to the residents of the Gaza Strip, it is essential to ensure safety, and that an immediate ceasefire is necessary.

  • NEW

U.S. State Department official resigns over opposition to military aid to Israel

A senior official at the U.S. State Department in charge of coordinating arms supplies has announced that he will resign because he opposes military assistance to Israel.

This was revealed by Director Joshua Paul, who was in charge of coordinating with Congress regarding the provision of weapons to allies at the US State Department, posted on his SNS on the 18th.

In it, Paul harshly condemned the Islamic organization Hamas as "diabolical" in its large-scale attacks on Israel, while criticizing Israel for continuing to carry out air strikes on the Gaza Strip, saying that "Israel's response will only cause greater harm to both Israel and the Palestinian people."

"I cannot promote a policy of providing weapons to one side of the conflict, which is contrary to the world centered on the values and rules-based order that we support," he said, expressing his opposition to U.S. military support for Israel.

The State Department said it would "refrain from commenting on personal matters."