EU = The European Union Parliament has announced that it has chosen Mafsa Amini, who was arrested and killed in Iran for wearing a headscarf, as the winner of the "Sakharov Prize", which is given to people who have contributed to the protection of human rights, and the protest movement that has spread in Iran for women's rights and freedoms.

The Sakharov Prize is awarded annually by the European Parliament to individuals and organizations who have contributed to the protection of human rights, after former Soviet physicist Andrei Sakharov, who won the Nobel Peace Prize.

The European Parliament announced on the 19th that it had chosen Iranian woman Mahsa Amini and a protest movement to appeal for women's rights and freedoms as the winners of this year's award.

Amini died in September last year after being arrested by police for wearing a headscarf called a hejab inappropriately, and demonstrations against the regime spread across Iran under the slogan "Women, Life, and Freedom."

"The Parliament stands with those who have the courage to continue to fight for equality, dignity and freedom in Iran, and we will continue to honor the struggle of all those who paid the ultimate price for freedom," said Metzola, President of the European Parliament.

This year, the Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to Nargez Mohammadi, a human rights activist who advocates for women's rights in Iran and is currently serving time in prison.