An investigation conducted by the Open Source Investigative Investigations Unit of Al Jazeera revealed that the Israeli occupation army deliberately misled the media and public opinion in its version of the targeting of Al-Ahli (Baptist) Hospital located in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood area in Gaza City, which led to the death and injury of hundreds of civilians, according to what the Palestinian Ministry of Health announced.

The investigation is based on image analysis and timeline building through live broadcasts by Al Jazeera, which documented the shelling, other live images from inside Israel and eyewitness footage in Gaza, of moments leading up to the bombing of the Baptist Hospital, and geolocation of major shooting directions.

The investigation concluded that the barrage of rockets fired by the Palestinian resistance before the bombing of the hospital, all of which were intercepted by the Israeli air defense system (Iron Dome) and was before the time interval of the bombing of the Baptist Hospital, which categorically denies Israel's claim that a Palestinian rocket accidentally fell on the hospital, and contradicts the announcement of the occupation army and its disavowal of responsibility for targeting the hospital.

The result of the investigation is consistent with other investigations by military experts that confirmed that the scale of the explosion was consistent with Israeli shelling and ammunition (which is more powerful) and inconsistent with explosions caused by Palestinian resistance rockets.

The head of the orthopedic department at Baptist Hospital, Dr. Fadel Naim, said that "the wounds sustained by the victims are cut wounds, and indicate that the bomb used is of a special type," as it is intended to kill the largest number of individuals.

"I saw the wounds and it was as if there were knives that exploded in the crowd and cut their bodies and limbs," he said, noting that the type of shell used caused such injuries.

"Yesterday morning (Wednesday) we found the body of a child on one of the roofs of the hospital, and in the evening we found the body of another child in the church inside the hospital, and we found children's heads on top of the buildings," he said.