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Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) during his government statement in the Bundestag

Photo: Annegret Hilse / REUTERS

On the occasion of his government statement in the Bundestag on the upcoming EU summit, Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) commented on the anti-Israel and anti-Semitic incidents in Germany since the resurgence of the Middle East conflict. He announced that the authorities would crack down on anti-Semitism and the glorification of violence.

The authorities in Germany should not allow demonstrations at which anti-Semitic slogans are shouted and violence is glorified. "A clear edge is appropriate here and we are showing it together in Germany," said Scholz. "Anti-Semitism has no place in Germany, and we will do everything we can to oppose it. We will do this as citizens, as those who have political responsibility," he added.

In his speech, Scholz also sharply criticized Russian leader Vladimir Putin. The Federal Chancellor said he was "more than outraged" that Putin had warned of civilian casualties in the Middle East conflict. "It really doesn't get any more cynical than that."

"Journey into the most serious crisis the Middle East has experienced in decades"

Scholz urged the immediate release of Hamas hostages in the Gaza Strip. It was important to him to have spoken to the relatives of the deportees on the ground in Israel, Scholz said. The talks had "touched him deeply". The message to Hamas is clear: "They must be released without preconditions." Scholz described his visits to Israel and Egypt as "a journey into the most serious crisis the Middle East has experienced in decades."

In addition to the Middle East conflict, the upcoming EU summit will also focus on supporting Ukraine. Germany will put together a winter package for the country attacked by Russia. "Everything that is necessary for air defense" is central. For example, Germany will supply Ukraine with an additional unit of the Patriot anti-aircraft missile system, new Iris-T systems, new Gepard anti-aircraft tanks, as well as new ammunition necessary for this. This had already been announced by the Ministry of Defense.

In Europe, too, it will be necessary to discuss how financial aid for Ukraine will be financed. This also applies to the EU's medium-term financial framework. The German position is that not everything is financed with additional money, but that there is a "reprioritization".

Scholz calls for limiting irregular migration

In his speech, Scholz also focused on the issue of migration. He urged that the number of people entering Germany irregularly be limited. It is important "that we retain control of this and do not lose it," said the Federal Chancellor. Above all, it must be ensured that the external borders of the European Union are better protected and that rejected asylum seekers are then also deported.

In this context, Scholz praised the agreement of the EU states on a reform of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS). He is confident that an agreement with the European Parliament will now be reached and that the rules will soon come into force. Germany will support the countries in the South in implementing this. It is important that the people arriving are registered immediately.
