Many Hollywood celebrities have expressed their support for Palestine and the people of Gaza, condemning the crimes committed by Israel.

More than 2000,<> artists around the world issued a statement accusing governments of helping Israel commit war crimes in Gaza and demanding an end to military and political support for Israel.

These artists include Tilda Swinton, Charles Dance, Steve Cogan, Peter Mulan, Maxine Beck and Miriam Margoles.

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No to Israel

At the top of the list of supporters of the Palestinian position is the Irish artist Liam Cunningham, one of the protagonists of the series "Game of Thrones", who rejects attacks on the Palestinian people in Gaza.

With the beginning of the Israeli attacks and attacks on the Gaza Strip, Cunningham shared through his personal accounts photos and news to monitor what is happening, the latest of which was a video of the peaceful march that took place in the streets of Dublin in support of Palestine.

Israel has bombed 23 ambulances 22 hospitals and health facilities in Gaza. They are now attempting to tell the world that Hamas did this massacre on the Baptist hospital in #Gaza Gaza.

— Liam cunningham (@liamcunningham1) October 17, 2023

The same thing he did in May 2021, when he was keen to document and publish clips of a huge march that took place in front of the Israeli embassy in Dublin to condemn the Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip and the storming of Al-Aqsa Mosque amid attempts to displace the residents of Sheikh Jarrah.

Contrary to his stance on the Palestinian issue, Cunningham is one of the first supporters of the Syrian people and demands for their right to stability and safety, having traveled to Germany in 2016 to receive Syrian refugees.

One of the positions that is also credited to Cunningham is what he did at the time of the martyrdom of the Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, when he published an amendment to what was published in the American newspaper "The New York Times", which only announced the death, commenting on the news that she was assassinated by an Israeli sniper while covering the Israeli army's attacks.

Cunningham co-signed a statement in 2018 calling on British cinemas to boycott the Israeli Film and Television Festival. He is also one of more than 600 artists who declared in 2015 their categorical refusal to accept any professional cooperation or to be part of any cultural relationship involving Israel.

"Game of Thrones" actor Liam Cunningham surprised this Syrian refugee

— BuzzFeed News (@BuzzFeedNews) October 16, 2016

Susan Sarandon

Oscar-winning American actress Susan Sarandon is a Hollywood celebrity who supports Gaza these days, while trying to monitor the death toll and publish videos that investigate accuracy and honesty in order to educate Western audiences who believe the Zionist media's narrative.

— Susan Sarandon (@SusanSarandon) October 16, 2023

Susan Sarandon also condemned the killing of Abu Akleh, stressing that she and other journalists were deliberately targeted only by reporting the truth, and declared her stand with the Palestinian people against the government of Benjamin Netanyahu.

In 2021, Sarandon wrote, "Israel will never have real security and safety by oppressing another people, true peace can happen, but it will only be built on justice."

Shireen Abu Akleh was EXECUTED with a shot to the head by Israeli snipers while wearing her helmet & bullet proof vest that said PRESS on in.

How long will we continue remaining silent while our "allies" kill journalists for telling inconvenient truths?#شيرين_ابو_عاقلة

— Susan Sarandon (@SusanSarandon) May 11, 2022

Sarandon was known for her anti-violence and discrimination, and was one of those who opposed the US invasion of Iraq, and led tens of thousands in New York protests condemning it, which resulted in media attack and smear campaigns directed against her, and was described as a "lover of bin Laden" before receiving death threats, and her children were attacked.

Belief in justice

One of the most important observers of current events is the American actor John Cusack, who devotes his time, effort and platforms to spreading news, updating casualty figures, and expressing his opinion strongly, as he supported Palestine and condemned the actions of the occupation forces.

Inhumanity cannot be acceptable in any notion of civilization. Nothing can excuse the inhumanity imposed by Israel even in the face of Hamas insanity. Netanyahu has failed , plain and simple... his super hardline is a complete failure and he has no endgame.

— John Cusack (@johncusack) October 17, 2023

Not only did Kozak support from behind the screen, but participated in the march that came out in support of Palestine in Chicago, followed by a tweet in which he stressed that he did not find the participants in the march except to demand the liberation of Palestine without any call to kill Jews or shed the blood of civilians, content to demand the recovery of their homeland and stop the seas of blood that their people are exposed to as a result of the continuous bombardment, and added, "It is strange that the West describes them as terrorists because of these logical and legitimate requests."

I was out at the Palestinian march in Chicago – I'll tell you what I didn't hear –– I didn't hear death to Israel –– I didn't hear death to Jews –

I didn't hear people celebrating the murders of Israeli civilians .
What I DID hear is – we must free Palestine from a brutal...

— John Cusack (@johncusack) October 15, 2023

Kozak has already declared his support for the Palestinian cause for years, despite the accusations and campaigns of attacks and distortion that usually ensue, and his followers described him as courageous, so Kozak only stated that he is just a human being who believes in justice, which requires him to convey the truth, and put it in its correct historical context.

I don't believe it's brave to value Jewish and Palestinian lives equally – to tell the truth of the conditions and historical context .
To unconditionally condemn anyone who commits wars crimes – to openly express that human beings myst be able to live with security and dignity...

— John Cusack (@johncusack) October 16, 2023


Actor Mark Ruffalo, who has condemned Israel more than once over the past years, has recently been subjected to violent reactions from supporters of Israel, which made him retreat from describing what Israel is committing towards Palestine as "genocide", although he did not stop condemning what is happening, calling on all parties to triumph for humanity and stop committing violence and taking lives.

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In 2021, Ruffalo managed to collect more than 3 million signatures in a petition calling for international sanctions against Israel.

"Starting on Friday, almost 500 Palestinians were arrested by the Israeli occupation authorities from Al-Aqsa Mosque, and, as you said, 170 were injured, several of whom were in critical condition and several of whom were journalists... targeted by design by the Israeli soldiers."

— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) April 19, 2022

In January 2022, Ruffalo co-signed a statement titled "Solidarity is an act" with more than 40 Hollywood film personalities, in which they declared solidarity with Palestinians fighting for their human rights under international law, and stood against the Israeli government's forced evictions and displacement of Palestinians from their homes, noting the inherent imbalance of power between the occupying entity and Palestinians who spent their lives under the regime of military occupation and apartheid.