On October 17, the bankruptcy trustee Lennart Högberg gave up trying to find a new owner for Ski Sunne.

"The offer that existed could not be accepted by all dependent creditors, so now only one 'slaughter option' remains. I reserve a free trial right, which means that I do not have to take the highest bid, but the bid that is best in terms of the total, said the bankruptcy trustee Lennart Högberg to SVT Nyheter Värmland at the time.

However, the bankruptcy trustee Högberg had not completely given up hope of being able to sell the entire facility to a new owner. And now a stakeholder group has requested a meeting with Sunne municipality to investigate how the municipality can support the facility in the future. Something that NWT was the first to tell.

Municipal commissioner Henrik Frykberger (M) is reticent about the meeting.

"Yes, that's right. A contact was made just a few days ago. But I can't say more, partly because I don't know their set-up or what they want to present.

In the feature above, Henrik Frykberger talks about what the municipality has supported the facility with historically.