Abu Obeida, the military spokesman for the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), vowed the Israeli occupation with a "long battle" and said they were ready for it, calling on the Arab peoples to "mobilize and march" to the borders of Palestine.

The Hamas military spokesman confirmed in a recorded speech that "the resistance is fine and still controls the course of the field" and that it "knows where and when to escalate and strike, and when and how to strike."

"We are ready for a long battle with this occupier as sacred and great as our goal in this battle," which is to defend Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque, respond to its desecration, and pay the price for the occupation for its crimes, he said.

Abu Obeida stressed that "the bill of account with this enemy will be harsh and painful, and he will pay the price for his crimes against Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Palestinian people," vowing that the resistance will not pass these crimes.

In his recorded speech, he criticized the US support for Israel, describing it as "brazen and deceitful" and said that this support will not help the occupation and "no power in the world will be able to eliminate the Palestinian resistance, prevent it from defending holy sites, or rob the Palestinian people of their hopes for their freedom."

Abu Obeida said that the "stupid" American support for the occupation ignites the fire of anger in the Arab and Islamic nation to renounce the American and Israeli occupation, stressing that "the enemy today is at its worst in 75 years, and it is an opportunity for the nation."

He called on the masses of the nation everywhere to "mobilize and march to the borders of Palestine, unite and change everything in their power to overthrow the Zionist project, which is reeling, despite the massacres it commits and receives support from the forces of injustice and aggression."

Abu Obeida also addressed the masses of the nation and the free world, and called on them to "alarm and gather" in front of the Israeli and American embassies, expel their ambassadors and close their embassies in all Arab and Islamic countries, stressing that it is "the least duty to victory for Jerusalem and to declare rejection of the massacres of genocide against the people of Gaza" and to restore the rehabilitation of Arabs and Muslims.