According to him, the release of hostages and civilian casualties "will be secondary," with the task of destroying Hamas coming to the fore.

The minister noted that the task will be completed, "even if it takes a year."

The Israeli government estimates that Hamas and Islamic Jihad together number about 50,<> fighters.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Galant had earlier met with the IDF military and told them that an order to enter the Gaza Strip would soon arrive.

Reuters previously wrote that Israel's military operation "Iron Swords" in the Gaza Strip will be characterized by "unprecedented ferocity."

American journalist Seymour Hersh expressed the opinion that Israel intends to arrange a semblance of the destruction of Japanese Hiroshima on the territory of the Gaza Strip, only without the use of nuclear weapons.

Russian President Vladimir Putin noted that Israel's use of heavy equipment in residential areas of the Gaza Strip is a complex matter that is fraught with serious consequences for all parties.