Huzhou, October 10 (Hu Fengsheng, Lu Jianghong, Zhong Youqiang) They used to be workers, game masters, and campus gods... From Tiannanhaibei, he came to the new training squadron of the Huzhou Detachment of the Zhejiang Provincial Armed Police Corps (hereinafter referred to as the Huzhou Detachment). Here they have a common name: recruits.

In October, the recruits have been in the barracks for a month, and the young men have gritted their teeth in this month to meet the tempering of the fiery barracks, what changes have they made compared to before enlistment?

"26, 27, 28, come on!" Tang Binhong, who pulled 29 in the first parallel bars test, was exhausted and still grasped the horizontal bar and refused to let go. Originally from Guigang, Guangxi, he grew up in a poor family and did not have a clear life goal in school, and before enlisting, his father earnestly advised him to develop in the army for a long time as a special combat member. "I have been looking at the unattainable corps record, just came to the unit, I train one more every time, and I will definitely be able to break through within two years."

3000m training Photo by Jing Chen

Tang Binhong and his comrades-in-arms cherished their dreams, said goodbye to their former campus and hometown, and were experiencing the most important baptism in their lives - five months of recruit training, the most difficult at the beginning, survived, broke through the cocoon into a butterfly, and transformed into a real soldier.

Saying goodbye to mobile phones is a hurdle that these "post-00s" recruits must face. "Before joining the army, I always kept my mobile phone in my hand, and when I waited for the red light, I had to swipe a video, and after coming to the barracks, I often read newspapers, read books, sorted out internal affairs and exchanged learning experience with my comrades-in-arms after training, although I was a little homesick, but my work ideas were clearer, my hobbies were involved more and more, collective life became more and more interesting, and the goals of military training became clearer." Recruit Tong Zhiyuan said.

Get up at six o'clock, exercise in the morning, tidy up internal affairs, wash, breakfast, exercise, political education, lunch, lunch break, physical training, dinner, watch the news, study common sense of soldiers, roll call late, wash and go to bed... Never experienced such a compact life allows these "post-00s" recruits to say goodbye to the habit of procrastination and degenerate their immature appearance.

Parallel bars training Photo by Jing Chen

"Go out to see the queue, go in and watch the housekeeping! The queue reflects the spirit of a soldier, and the internal affairs show the self-cultivation of a soldier! "Recruit Wang Zhenhao talked about the mantra of the squad leader, and before he joined the army, he always pursued the principles that were passable." The corner of the penultimate quilt is not closed, I'll help you pinch it. Now, he has taken the initiative to maintain internal order in the class.

The hardship of training is accompanied by the fatigue of growth, in the recruit training project, physical training should be the most headache for all recruits, poor breathing, ankle sprains, muscle twitches in training, intensive high-intensity training, each recruit is breaking through their own limits, physical training is a "compulsory course" for qualified soldiers.

"Toot toot... Change your outfit, gather downstairs in five minutes, and start training! Recruit Zhai Kailong mentioned that every time he hears this sentence, it means that the most fulfilling time of this day has come. As a "standard" otaku before enlistment, the physical fitness level was a difficult challenge for him who weighed 106 kilograms. "Huhuhu..." he had just finished running three kilometers, he gasped heavily, sweat had soaked through his physical suit, "Squad leader, I ran down!" The exhaustion of his body could not hide the pride in his eyes.

Now, the full moon has passed. The recruits are pursuing their "dream of strengthening the army", blending and colliding with youth and olive green, and quenching gratifying changes in the melting pot of the troops, the only thing that remains unchanged is the same love, persistence and belief in the barracks as their predecessors. (End)