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An audio file released by Israel purports to prove Islamic Jihad's responsibility for an impact in the courtyard of Ahli Arab Hospital

Photo: Mohammad Abu Elsebah / dpa

Who is Islamic Jihad?

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) is considered one of the most radical militant groups in the Middle East. They are responsible for many attacks and suicide bombings in Israel, resulting in numerous deaths and injuries. The organization was founded in the Gaza Strip in the early 1980s.

What is the origin of the organization?

The founders of Islamic Jihad – led by Fathi Shaqaki – were linked to the Muslim Brotherhood, an Islamist organization founded in Egypt. Shaqaki and his associates sympathized with the Muslim Brotherhood's Islamist views, but believed that the revival of an Islamic society depended on liberating historic Palestine. The Muslim Brotherhood rejected the idea of focusing on the violent liberation of historic Palestine. As a result, Islamic Jihad soon developed into an organization in its own right, marked by increasing militarism and heavily influenced by the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979.

How is Islamic Jihad assessed?

It is classified as a terrorist organisation by the EU and the US. Members of its military wing also continue to fire rockets from the Gaza Strip into Israel. However, the organization is considered less powerful than Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, and its rockets are considered even less accurate than those of the larger Palestinian organization.

What does Islamic Jihad want?

Islamic Jihad seeks the "liberation of Palestine" by force of arms and the destruction of Israel. The group is also active in the West Bank. The organization sometimes coordinates its activities with the militant wings of Hamas, Fatah and other groups. She has also participated in talks on the implementation of ceasefires with Israel.

Who finances the organization?

According to experts, Islamic Jihad is financed by Iran, among others.

For which attacks is Islamic Jihad blamed?

An audio file released by Israel purportedly claimed responsibility for Islamic Jihad for the rocket hit in front of a clinic in the Gaza Strip. The organization was also involved in the October 7 massacre in Israeli border towns and a music festival. She took more than 30 hostages.
