Beijing, 10 Oct (ZXS) -- Zhang Anping, chairman of Taiwan Mud, is committed to green transformation and is willing to be a bridge between the two sides of the strait

China News Agency reporter Lu Mei

The hottest day on record on Earth came this summer, and "carbon reduction" became a more topical topic. As a major carbon emitter, the cement industry is a key carbon emission reduction industry to achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality. "I am very worried about climate change caused by carbon dioxide," Zhang Anping, chairman of Taiwan Cement Group, said in a recent interview with China News Agency in Beijing. ”

Recently, Zhang Anping, chairman of Taiwan Cement Group, was interviewed by a reporter from China News Agency in Beijing. Photo by China News Agency reporter Rang Baokui

Deeply cultivate the mainland to help high-quality development

As the first listed company in Taiwan, although it was not too early to enter the mainland in 2003, it has been deeply cultivating the mainland market for 20 years, laying out 12 provinces, and participating in the construction of major national projects. In the ranking of non-state-owned enterprises in the "2022 Hurun China Top 500", it ranks first among the selected cement enterprises.

The mainland's economic development has entered a stage of high-quality development, and ecological environmental protection has become an important part of economic development. Zhang Anping deeply agrees with this. After taking over the helm in 2017, he led the group into the runway of green transformation, striving to resolve the "original sin" of "high pollution and high emissions" of cement: there are factory buildings and chimneys in the factory, as well as melon fields and vegetable fields, fish ponds, ducks and geese; The cement kiln not only fires cement, but also synergistically treats municipal waste and household waste; For mining areas whose environment is affected by mining, "reclamation while production, reclamation of one pit after another", how to make trees grow better and how to restore soil vitality, Zhang Anping found university professors to formulate a long-term research plan of "Peace Ecological Ark", "so that human beings and nature can be more harmonious".

Responding to carbon neutrality and committed to energy conservation and emission reduction

In response to the mainland's goal of achieving carbon neutrality before 2060, Taiwan Cement Corporation has formulated a carbon reduction pathway, promising to reduce greenhouse gas emission intensity by 2025% in 2016 compared with 11, 2030% in 20, and carbon neutrality in 2050. Zhang Anping admits that it is quite challenging, but the pressure also indicates that there are opportunities. "Every day, carbon emissions data from dozens of factories is sent to my phone. Which one exceeds the standard, I will immediately find the person in charge to explain the situation and propose a solution. ”

Zhang Anping said that Taiwan's exploration of improving energy conservation and carbon reduction efficiency is "one kiln in Taiwan and one kiln in the mainland", and through cooperation with scientific research institutions on both sides of the strait, it has continuously improved production technology and participated in the formulation of industry standards. He believes that although the cement process is not yet zero-carbon, there are still many ways to reduce carbon, such as developing green energy, recycling resources, and increasing carbon sequestration in the ocean and land. Extending the life of a building by increasing cement strength also reduces the carbon footprint.

As a result, "low-carbon building materials, resource recycling, and green energy" have become the three core undertakings of Taiwan Mud. Tai Ni's Guangdong Yingde Plant and Guangxi Guigang Plant were rated as national "green factories", and five mining areas, including Jiangsu Jurong and Guizhou Anshun, were included in the national green mine list. This year, Taiwanese enterprises in the mainland participated in the evaluation of the 5th China Industry Award for the first time, and Taiwan Cement (Hangzhou) Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd. won the nomination award. As Zhang Anping hopes, Taiwan Cement is transforming from a cement manufacturing and sales company to "a green environmental engineering company that concentrates on the complex relationship between human civilization and nature."

Promoting Exchanges and Cooperation We are willing to act as a bridge between the two sides of the strait

In mid-June, a building called the "Gongliang Building" topped out in Hangzhou, which will become the operational headquarters of the Taiwan Nic Group in the mainland. Zhang Anping said that Taiwan Cement has invested a lot in the mainland, and the group has the largest number of mainland employees, and investment in the mainland will continue to increase, so it is reasonable to set up a headquarters to improve operational efficiency.

Zhang Anping (middle), the current chairman of Taiwan Cement Group, took a group photo with Koo Zhenfu and his wife in the early years. (Photo courtesy of Taiwan Cement Group)

"The earth belongs to all people, and the destiny of mankind is shared." Zhang Anping firmly believes that globalization is the right direction for human development, and Taiwan has crossed the Maritime Silk Road to expand its business to Europe, hoping to help create peace through trade and cooperation. He pointed out that the cross-strait industries are highly complementary, the mainland market is huge, and the development of new energy and other fields is worthy of Taiwan's learning and reference, and also contains business opportunities, in which Taiwan businessmen can participate. On the other hand, Taiwan businessmen are good at grasping the pulse of the international market, and the two sides of the strait can join hands to explore the international market.

Zhang Anping said that the "Gongliang Building" styling was inspired by the water sleeves of the Peking Opera costume loved by former chairman Gu Zhenfu (Zigongliang), and it is also like a bridge, conveying the commemoration and concept inheritance of Gu Lao, hoping to cross the strait and connect China and the world. "Mr. Gu once said that nothing is more important than the peace of more than one billion people on both sides of the strait, and it is necessary to use people-to-people communication to create world peace. I took over Taini not to inherit cement, but to inherit the spirit of my predecessors, people-oriented, life-oriented, and take social responsibility to go on. (End)