With the performance, the students, accompanied by Trio-X from Musik i Uppland, take the audience on a journey through the world of music and dance.

"I've been playing guitar and piano since I was little, so I thought music school would be a good fit – if you spend so much time on it," says Axel Blixt, music student in grade 8.

Dreaming of New York

In connection with the 60th anniversary, the school also celebrates 30 years with a dance profile and as long as a foundation. One of the students who dreams of the big stages is Emelie Velasco, a dance student in year 9.

"I want to continue dancing, maybe in New York and become a professional dancer," she says.

Prize money is awarded

During the final celebrations, the school will award the "Bror Samuelsson Memorial Prize" for the first time.

"Bror was a pioneer when it comes to children's and young people's right to culture. For 23 years, he led Västerås music classes with a firm hand and it cannot be emphasized enough how crucial he has been to our activities today, says Andreas Wiik, principal of the Fryxell School.

The prize of SEK 50,000 will "reward people/organisations that, in the spirit of Bror, give children and young people opportunities to develop in the world of music and dance, who act as good role models and inspire children and young people in dance/music, or who work systematically with the combination of how culture and knowledge enrich each other".

Andreas Wiik, Principal of the Fryxell School. Photo: Ulrika Westerberg/SVT