It was in mid-September that the staff at the gynaecological department were met by an unknown man, who claimed that he was there to check the fire safety.

Two weeks later, the same man was back in the hospital, this time at the urology clinic. On this occasion, three more unauthorized persons were waiting outside in the elevator hall, but all of them left the scene after they could not identify themselves.

"They may have been here to take medicines or other equipment," says Mattias Stafflinger, Head of Property, Safety and Environment at Helsingborg Hospital.

Neighboring hospitals are warned

So far, however, nothing has been stolen, which is why the incidents have not been reported to the police. However, hospital staff, via an internal email, have been urged to be extra vigilant, something Helsingborgs Dagblad was the first to report on.

"We have sent out information to all the departments, but also to the neighbouring hospitals in the surrounding area, so that they have the information if the people should go there instead," says Mattias Stafflinger.

"Have eyes everywhere"

So far, none of the people have turned up again – but Mattias Stafflinger believes that there is still a risk.

"We're a hospital that's supposed to be open to everyone, so they can come back," he says.

At the same time as Helsingborg Hospital is now reviewing some of its procedures, he believes that security at the hospital is strong.

"We have very attentive staff. And because the staff is in all parts of the hospital, we have eyes everywhere.

Hear more about the measures the hospital has taken in the clip above.