Developments in the Gaza Strip continue to escalate as the resistance Operation Al-Aqsa Flood enters its sixth day, as Israel continued its heavy bombardment of various areas of Gaza and announced the dropping of 4,1500 tons of bombs since Saturday, killing more than <>,<> Palestinians and wounding thousands. The people of Gaza are facing great humanitarian suffering and a difficult situation described by the United Nations as unprecedented.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered a statement declaring war, saying it was a war of life and death, and vowing to crush Hamas, while US Secretary of State Antony Blinken renewed his country's absolute support for Israel, and said he would travel to Doha tomorrow on a tour aimed at discussing developments.

Abu Obeida, spokesman for the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), stressed full readiness to defend Gaza, stressing that Hamas has papers to ensure the liberation of Palestinian prisoners.

At the same time, Egypt began receiving relief aid to the Gaza Strip through al-Arish airport in Sinai, and opposed proposals to establish exit corridors from Gaza, arguing that the migration of Palestinians from the Strip would have serious consequences for the Palestinian cause.

The following are the most prominent situations and events that took place on the sixth day of this operation:

Death toll rises

The death toll in the Gaza Strip rose to 1537,6612, and the injuries reached 1300,<> as a result of the ongoing occupation aggression on the Gaza Strip, at a time when the Israeli death toll at the hands of the Palestinian resistance rose to <>,<>.

6000 bombs

  • An Israeli military spokesman said the air force dropped about 6,4 bombs weighing <>,<> tons, targeting Hamas positions in the Gaza Strip.

Attack in Jerusalem

  • Two people were injured in a shooting near an Israel police station in Jerusalem.

Egyptian mediation

  • Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said his country is ready to mediate with all parties unconditionally, stressing the need to facilitate the delivery of aid to the Palestinians urgently. Sisi also stressed the need for the people of Gaza to remain "present on their land," warning that their exit could lead to the "liquidation of the Palestinian cause."
  • The Jordanian Foreign Ministry warned against any attempt to displace Palestinians from Gaza to Egypt and transfer the crisis to neighboring countries.
  • Egypt begins receiving relief aid to the Gaza Strip through Al-Arish Airport in Sinai

Statements by Al-Arouri

  • Saleh al-Aruri, deputy head of Hamas' political bureau, told Al Jazeera that 1200,<> Qassam operatives were all those who entered the settlements and took control of the Gaza Division of the Israeli army.

Preparing for battle

  • Abu Obeida, spokesman for the Qassam Brigades, said that the Al-Aqsa Flood operation began to destroy the Gaza Division, which was attacked at 15 points, and added in a recorded speech that the Qassam Brigades practiced strategic deception that began in early 2022, and pointed out that it had developed a precise plan to call 3,1500 fighters for the battle and <>,<> for support and support operations. Abu Obeida stressed that Hamas is ready to defend Gaza, and stressed that the group has papers that guarantee the liberation of Palestinian prisoners.

Emergency government and Netanyahu vowed

  • The Israeli Knesset on Thursday evening approved the "emergency government" for the duration of the war with 66 votes in favor to 4.
  • Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said what Israel experienced last Saturday was unparalleled since the Holocaust. He added in a statement declaring war before the Knesset that Israelis are united today to liquidate Hamas, as he put it.

Blinken Judaism

  • US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that he did not come to Israel as secretary of state but as a Jew, and indicated in other statements that he will meet with King Abdullah II of Jordan, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and the leaders of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Qatar, as part of his regional tour that began today from Israel.

Lebanon in the eye of the storm

  • Lebanese caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati said during a televised speech after an interim cabinet meeting that "Lebanon is in the eye of the storm" due to the escalation of tension on the Lebanese-Israeli border, and confirmed that he asked the foreign minister to submit an urgent complaint against Israel to the Security Council, against the background of its attacks on Lebanon.

British support for Israel

  • The British government announced Thursday it would send two Royal Navy ships and aircraft to the eastern Mediterranean "to support Israel, strengthen regional security and prevent any escalation".

Raisi's Remarks

  • Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi said that what is happening in Gaza and the occupied territories is a crime against humanity, calling on Islamic and Arab countries to "cooperate to stop Israel's crimes."

Unprecedented humanitarian situation

  • The United Nations has said the situation in Gaza is unprecedented, and its experts say bombing civilians is a war crime.
  • Human Rights Watch said that closing Gaza and cutting off its lifeline amid the humanitarian crisis would be "devastating."
  • WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Thursday renewed a call for the establishment of a humanitarian corridor to deliver relief aid to the Gaza Strip.