Living History works to prevent anti-Semitism and other forms of racism in Gothenburg. They are mainly aimed at young people and visit, among other things, schools.

Now the red-green government wants to increase their budget to 9.3 million, which is four million more than they have today.

The proposal is part of the parties' budget proposals for 2024.

After the attacks in Israel, the Jewish community in Gothenburg has urged its members not to display Jewish symbols in public.

"It is completely unacceptable to have to hide one's religious identity in public because of a threat," says Jonas Attenius (S), who adds that Islamophobia is also a problem that the municipality needs to deal with.

Saves on managers

At the same time, the City of Gothenburg has financial problems and the money that the government now wants to invest has been saved elsewhere. In 2024, all administrations and companies will have a hiring freeze for managers. The money will instead be moved out to people who meet the people of Gothenburg, such as the staff at Living History.

"It is an important priority resource in the unfortunately increasingly polarised society we live in, where there is a threat to many different groups," says Attenius.

On Thursday evening, Social Democratic Party leader Magdalena Andersson will also visit the Gothenburg synagogue due to the attacks in Israel.

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The Jewish community in Gothenburg urges its members to leave Jewish symbols at home due to the threat. Watch member Tova share how she feels about it. Photo: SVT